The Ancient Origins: Mystics and Healers
The concept of the human biofield, an energy field that surrounds and permeates the human body, has roots stretching back millennia. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptians, Chinese, and Indians had their own interpretations of this vital force. In Egypt, it was known as "Ka," in China, it was "Qi," and in India, it was referred to as "Prana." These early cultures believed that maintaining the balance and flow of this energy was essential for health and well-being.
Chinese medicine, for instance, developed the practice of acupuncture to manipulate the flow of Qi along the body's meridians.
Similarly, Indian Ayurvedic medicine employed practices such as yoga and meditation to balance the flow of Prana. These ancient practices laid the groundwork for our modern understanding of the human biofield.
In Christian art, halos—luminous circles or rings of light around the heads of saints and religious figures—are often interpreted as symbolic representations of divine light and spiritual energy. These depictions, seen in paintings, mosaics, and sculptures throughout Christian history, suggest a visual portrayal of the aura or biofield surrounding the individual. Halos vary in size, brightness, and color, typically conveying spiritual purity, enlightenment, and divine connection. Rooted in Byzantine and Roman traditions, these artistic symbols continue to invite contemplation of the spiritual radiance and transcendent qualities attributed to holy figures in Western Christian iconography.
The Renaissance and Enlightenment: From Alchemy to Magnetism
The Renaissance era brought renewed interest in the mysteries of the human body and its energies. Alchemists and philosophers like Paracelsus began to explore the idea of an invisible life force that influenced health. Paracelsus introduced the concept of "Archeus," a vital force that he believed was responsible for the body's functions.
In the 18th century, Franz Mesmer, a German physician, introduced the idea of "animal magnetism." Mesmer believed that an invisible magnetic fluid flowed through all living things and that imbalances in this fluid caused illness. His controversial methods, which included the use of magnets and hypnotic techniques, gave rise to the term "mesmerism" and sparked both fascination and skepticism.

The 19th and 20th Centuries: Science Meets Mysticism
The advent of electricity and magnetism in the 19th century brought new dimensions to the study of the human biofield. Nikola Tesla, the brilliant inventor, and electrical engineer, conducted experiments with electromagnetic fields and believed that they could influence the human body's energy.
The 20th century saw the emergence of biofield research as a legitimate scientific inquiry. Researchers like Harold Saxton Burr, a professor at Yale University, proposed the existence of "L-fields" (life fields) that surrounded living organisms. Burr's experiments with plants, animals, and humans suggested that these fields could be measured and might play a role in health and disease.

Scientists have been studying human bioelectricity for the past 100 years. In 1994, a team of scientists at the National Institutes of Health coined the term "biofield" to describe the electromagnetic field that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. The biofield consists of bioplasma, a living electromagnetic field roughly 5-6 feet around us in all directions, which serves as a type of energetic blueprint.

The rise of alternative medicine in the late 20th century further popularized the concept of the biofield. Practices such as Reiki, therapeutic touch, and energy healing began to gain acceptance. These practices often involved the manipulation of the biofield to promote healing and balance.
The Biofield in the 21st Century: Integrating Science and Spirituality
Today, the study of the human biofield is a fascinating intersection of science, spirituality, and holistic medicine.
Advances in technology have allowed researchers to measure subtle energy fields and investigate their effects on the human body. Instruments such as Kirlian photography, which captures the aura or biofield surrounding living organisms, have provided intriguing visual evidence of these energy fields.
Modern biofield research explores the potential therapeutic applications of energy medicine. Studies have shown that practices like Reiki, acupuncture, and qigong can have measurable effects on the body's physiology, including reducing stress, improving immune function, and promoting overall well-being.
Extensive research has been conducted to map the biofield. Findings suggest that the biofield is essentially a map of the mind. From a biofield perspective, our minds are not in our bodies; rather, our physical bodies are inside our minds. This living electromagnetic field holds information related to emotional history, thought patterns, memories, and physical and emotional traumas, and it sets the template for our physiology. The biofield contains a record of everything experienced, and even ancestral experiences, all encoded in standing wave format within the body’s electromagnetic field.
The biofield, like the brain, is compartmentalized, with different emotional experiences stored in different stratospheric locations. Just as the brain is divided into areas responsible for different functions, so are our energy fields.

At the edge of the human biofield is a double-layer plasma membrane that forms an outer boundary offering protection. It creates the dynamic standing waves that hold information in a person’s field. Every cell and organ in the body has its own energy field, in addition to being part of the greater field of the human body.
On the atomic level, the field appears to be composed of free electrons, ions, and protons operating in a balanced polarity of positively and negatively charged particles. These particles spin around each other in what’s known as a torsion force, a spiraling, twisting motion, bound by the plasma membrane at the outer edge of the field. The shape of the biofield as a totality is a torus, or donut-like shape, with a central channel of energy that circles around the outer boundary.
The Electric Health Perspective
The human biofield and its toroidal structure is a microcosm of what is found on the macro scale throughout nature. All electromagnetic energy comes in polarities of positive and negative. Polarity is a fundamental property of not only electromagnetism but all matter. The boundary of the earth’s magnetosphere is a double-layer plasma membrane that contains the earth’s atmosphere, displaying the same kind of structure as the human biofield.
The Electric Health view, founded on clinical experience and increasingly backed by reputable science, posits that the biofield (and the subtle energy of which it is composed) is not separate from the electricity that our hearts and brains run on. It is simply a different expression of this electricity. The subtle energy of the biofield can be thought of as a higher harmonic of the measurable electromagnetism that we call electricity.
A key to Electric Health is having a strong current of energy running through the central channel, which aligns with the midline of the body. This enables a healthy flow of energy through the seven major chakra centers, feeding the energetic channels of the body known as nadis or meridians, and throughout the various organs, tissues, and systems of the body. This energy flow enables healing, regeneration, and vitality. When this central current becomes weak, the system becomes compromised, and illness is the eventual result.
From a biofield perspective, our minds are not in our bodies; our physical bodies are actually inside our minds. This profound understanding challenges conventional views of the mind-body relationship and opens new avenues for healing and self-discovery.
The Brennan Model
The Brennan Model, developed by Barbara Brennan in the 1980s, outlines the first seven layers of the human energy field, each corresponding to different aspects of our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. Introduced through her work and teachings at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing, founded in 1982 in East Hampton, New York, and elaborated in her seminal book "Hands of Light" (1987), this model provides a comprehensive map of the human biofield.
The first layer, the Etheric Body, aligns with physical sensations and health. The second, the Emotional Body, holds our feelings and emotions. The third, the Mental Body, relates to thoughts and cognitive processes. The fourth, the Astral Body, connects to love and relationships. The fifth, the Etheric Template Body, serves as a blueprint for the physical form. The sixth, the Celestial Body, is linked to higher emotions and spiritual awareness. Finally, the seventh, the Ketheric Template or Causal Body, encompasses the soul's purpose and connection to the divine. This model highlights the interconnectedness of our various layers of existence, offering profound insights into the human biofield.
Sound Frequency Healing of the Human Biofield
Sound has been used for millennia as a healing modality, influencing the human biofield and promoting well-being. Various practices such as the ringing of church bells, the use of Tibetan singing bowls, and the application of tuning forks have been integral to sound frequency healing traditions worldwide.

Church bells, for example, have been rung for centuries in religious ceremonies and community events. Beyond their cultural significance, the vibrations produced by church bells are believed to clear negative energies and promote a sense of peace and harmony within individuals and communities.
Tibetan singing bowls emit harmonious vibrations that resonate with the body's energy centers, promoting relaxation and balance. The bowls are struck or rubbed with a mallet to produce soothing tones that induce a meditative state and align the biofield.
Tuning forks, another tool in sound healing, produce specific frequencies that correspond to different aspects of the biofield. When applied to specific points on the body or around the energy field, tuning forks are thought to restore balance and enhance the flow of energy, similar to acupuncture or acupressure.
These practices highlight the therapeutic potential of sound in influencing the human biofield. By harmonizing the body's energy patterns, sound frequency healing aims to alleviate stress, enhance vitality, and support overall health. Integrating ancient wisdom with modern understanding, sound frequency healing continues to be a valuable tool in holistic approaches to well-being.

Med Beds and AO Scanners: Bridging Ancient Wisdom with Modern Technology
Med beds, according to various claims, are advanced medical technologies that use a combination of electromagnetic fields, light, and sound frequencies to accelerate healing and regenerate tissues. These devices, often described in futuristic and speculative contexts, are said to function by correcting imbalances in the biofield and promoting healing at an accelerated rate. This concept aligns with the principles found in the study of the human biofield and energy healing, which emphasize the importance of a balanced and harmonious energy field for optimal health.

Similarly, AO Scanners are innovative devices designed to analyze and balance the body's biofield. They work by scanning the body's energy field and providing detailed information about imbalances or disturbances. The scanner then uses specific frequencies to help correct these imbalances, promoting overall health and well-being. This technology correlates with the understanding of the human biofield, as it aims to restore balance and harmony within the body's energy field, much like traditional energy healing practices.
Both med beds and AO Scanners represent a fascinating convergence of ancient wisdom and modern technology. They highlight the potential for advanced technologies to work in harmony with holistic principles, offering new avenues for healing and enhancing our understanding of the intricate connections between mind, body, and energy.