The Yellow Brick Road Paved in Gold: The COVID-19 Solidarity Fund
Pay no Attention to the Depopulation Advocate Behind the Curtain
December 2023 commemorates the 25th anniversary of Ted Turner's establishment of the United Nations (UN) Foundation, a pivotal initiative aimed at bolstering the UN and advancing its causes (Agenda 2030 ). Ted Turner dedicated more than a third of his net worth to create the UN Foundation, and over the course of two and a half decades, the foundation has remarkably multiplied Turner's initial investment, resulting in a contribution of nearly $2 billion to the UN and over $1 billion to various UN causes.

Spanning the tenures of three UN Secretary-Generals, the UN Foundation has worked alongside the UN on global endeavors. According to the UN Foundation site, they have a wide range of partners from all sectors who have generously contributed in various ways to the UN and their shared work to advance UN priorities and values. Their partners contribute in many ways, both financial and non-financial. A few noteworthy UN Foundation partners helping to advance UN priorities and values include:
Ted Turner also established the Better World Fund (BWF), the UN Foundation's counterpart, in 1998 through a historic $1 billion contribution. The BWF was designed to ensure that the United States fulfills its financial commitments to the UN and provides support for UN initiatives. Through entities like the Better World Campaign (BWC) and the United Nations Association of the United States (UNA-USA), the BWF mobilizes the largest group of trained advocates, grassroots champions, and online supporters in the United States to champion the UN. The organization advocates for the complete payment of American dues to the UN, encourages American leadership on UN issues such as vaccines, malaria, adolescent girls, and family planning, and strives to educate U.S. policymakers, the media, and civil society about the diverse ways in which the UN influences American and global interests.
Ted Turner boasts an impressive array of accomplishments in his Better World Fund biography.
However, despite his professed philanthropic endeavors, one might question the integrity of a person discussing reducing the global population from approximately 8 billion to 2 billion. This raises concerns about potential hidden motives. Toto, we have a problem!
On June 7, 2012, media magnate, UN foundation founder, member of the billionaires Good Club and advocate for population control, Ted Turner, revealed his aspiration to decrease the global population by billions, urging parents to adopt a "one-child family" model for a century. During an encounter with citizen journalists from, Turner faced inquiries about his controversial statements and reiterated his goal of reducing the world's population to approximately two billion. Despite expressing a preference for a "one-child family" policy, Turner did not explicitly endorse China's one-child policy when questioned. In subsequent interviews, he discussed his views from the 1990s, acknowledging the possibility of having mentioned a "95 percent decline" in population but downplaying its significance. Turner also faced inquiries about the influence of the Bilderberg conference on his perspectives. While he previously denied China's implementation of "draconian steps" for population control, he asserted in a 2009 interview that China merely "encouraged" citizens to have one child, emphasizing a lack of comprehensive familiarity with the issue. In the name of environmental sustainability, Ted Turner issued a pressing plea to address and reverse the growth of the global population.
Ted Turner is also thought to be associated with The Club of Rome. The Club of Rome, established in 1968 at Accademia dei Lincei in Rome, Italy, is an informal nonprofit organization comprising intellectuals and business leaders. Its primary objective is to engage in critical discussions on pressing global issues. The organization gained significant public attention in 1972 with its inaugural report, "The Limits to Growth."
During October 1968, the OECD conducted a symposium in Bellagio, in partnership with the Rockefeller Foundation, where several new members joined the Club. The symposium centered on the perils of exponential growth, acknowledging its inherent limitation to persist indefinitely. The event concluded with participants endorsing "The Bellagio Declaration on Planning," emphasizing the imperative of addressing global challenges through coordinated efforts. The Club of Rome, now headquartered in Winterthur, Switzerland since July 1, 2008, consists of a hundred full members drawn from various backgrounds, including current and former heads of state, UN administrators, high-ranking politicians, government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and global business leaders.
In 2016, the Club of Rome faced substantial backlash for advocating a one-child policy for industrialized nations in its publication "Reinventing Prosperity." The idea was strongly criticized, with Dr. Reiner Klingholz, the acting chairman of the Berlin Institute for Population and Development, dismissing the Club's pamphlet as "pure nonsense." Klingholz, who focuses on sustainable development, pointed out that Europe, at that time, had a fertility rate as low as 1.5, falling well below the stable replacement rate of 2.1, thereby challenging the feasibility of the proposed policy.
Considering all of these factors, it becomes imperative to scrutinize Ted Turner's involvement leading up to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. This is where the role of the COVID-19 Solidarity Fund becomes significant. In March 2020, the World Health Organization unveiled a fund aimed at assisting the United Nations agency in aiding countries at risk, particularly those with fragile healthcare systems, in their readiness and response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund, managed by the U.N. Foundation and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation, received contributions from diverse stakeholders, including philanthropists, corporations, and individual donors. Donations were eligible for tax deductions, extending to several European countries (including Mauritius which is too complex to dive into in this article).
As per a press statement, Facebook and Google provided substantial backing to this fund. Both corporations implemented a matching program for funds generated through their respective platforms.

The tax-exempt donation initiative is intriguing, especially considering that an individual deeply involved in advocating for reducing global population is equally involved in supporting the response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the financing associated with these efforts
Within the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund playbook it states that the fund was established as a temporary and specific initiative designed to aid the global COVID-19 response. Managed collaboratively by the World Health Organization (WHO) and a diverse array of partners, including the UN Foundation (UNF) and the Swiss Philanthropy Foundation (SPF) as central partners, the fund operates as a pooled resource. The TGE network facilitates donations across 20 European countries, and various fiduciary partners, beneficiary partners, and amplifiers contribute with distinct roles and responsibilities outlined in this section. While the fund operates informally, its efficacy is largely derived from the strong relationships and accountability systems linking all involved partners.
The ecosystem of partners within the COVID-19 Solidarity Respond Fund is vast.
The operational dynamics and utilization of this fund form a intricate network of partnerships, raising questions about their intentions and motivations.
The allocation of funds is fascinating and prompts numerous inquiries (especially the infodemic management portion).
The playbook suggests that, given its 20-year track record in grantmaking, established collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), and its status as a non-State actor officially associated with WHO, the United Nations Foundation (UNF) held a distinctive and qualified position to take a leading role in initiating the Fund. The UNF not only serves as the primary fiduciary partner and manager for the Fund but also holds the position of the largest fiduciary partner. Additionally, the UNF co-leads the Fund's Project Management Board, spearheads various working groups, and plays a central role in driving the Fund's outreach and engagement initiatives.
Organizations, private companies, corporate foundations, philanthropic foundations, individuals, and non-governmental organizations may serve as contributors to the fund, subject to selection and approval according to the Fund's minimal regrets due diligence approach. While traditional contributors like member states, philanthropic foundations, NGOs, and multilateral financial institutions have the option to directly donate to the World Health Organization (WHO), all other donors can only contribute to WHO's COVID-19 response efforts through one of the fund's fiduciary partners. Many contributors can leverage tax benefits through a fiduciary partner based on their operational geography. Contributions from all contributors are unrestricted. Some contributors also function as amplifiers by promoting the fund's work within their networks, such as employees, clients/customers, and other stakeholders, adhering to a set of branding guidelines. Branding guidelines? Amplifiers?
The extensive propaganda apparatus financed by this entity was also sizable.
Lady Gaga, FIFA, and Tik Tok Influencers? Oh my.
One should genuinely contemplate why Ted Turner, an advocate for reducing the global population by around 6 billion people, played such a significant role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Through numerous collaborations with other wealthy and influential figures and substantial funding, he exerted direct influence on various policies and approaches over the past three years. The extent of oversight regarding Ted Turner's involvement in, or actions through, his numerous organizations appears questionable. It seems imperative to subject Ted Turner and his associations with The Club of Rome, The Good Club, and the UN, all centered on depopulation, to scrutiny by impartial and unbiased legislative bodies. He stands as the orchestrator behind the scenes, contributing funds and actively participating in what could be considered the most egregious genocidal act against humanity to date.
These people and their agenda should have been stopped decades ago!
"One should genuinely contemplate why Ted Turner, an advocate for reducing the global population by around 6 billion people, played such a significant role in responding to the COVID-19 pandemic."
Maybe because the "response," in particular the modRNA injections, are another avenue to population reduction?
Things that make you go Hmmmm.