It makes sense that DDT and 5G would combine and amplify each other. This feels like part of a bigger pattern, in which everything is a vibration, and every unhealthy frequency, being at a chaotic low octave, automatically resonates with the other noxious energies, and combines with or amplifies them. This would include, but not be limited to, combinations of: seed oils, glyphosate, vaxxes, DDT, 5G, mass media, and much more. It follows that as we detox ourselves and align with higher cosmic frequencies, our disharmonies gradually correct themselves, and we come into alignment with our divine pattern.

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All infections increase in propagation when exposed to high levels of emfs.

Growth is dependant on field strength of electromagnetism.

It acts as a catalyst for tissue mutation and death, when synthetic and not coming from the bodies natural organs of communications.


Altering communication and membrane tissue.

It also hardens the eggs membrane in women, (a protective reponse) making conception more difficult, aka depopulation.

Why there's a drastic increase in breast cancer (delicate tissue affected by emfs) recently.

Aluminium in geo Engineering for solar radiation management increases the conductivity of emfs through the air space.

This creating a more dense flux of magnetic fields.

The brain communicates via electo- magnetics, as does many other bodily systems, this disrupts the signalling to each other internally.

Calcium voltage gate channels on your Skin, act like antennas to react with the environment producing signals eg hot, cold, wet etc

The pineal gland is a highly sensitive phased array antenna system that controls gyroscopic sensing above many other senses of "awareness to the environment.

All these facts have been proven 30 years ago in scientific peer reviewed studies, see the biointiative report for more details and references.

All chemicals have electrical and magnetic properties, spraying the sky with anything alters the electromagnetic properties of the natural atmosphere producing sickness.

They both work in tandem and increase harm synergistically.

Thank you for the great post.

The cell is actually just the magnetic field pattern around tissue (organic material) and does not independently exist in the material world once removed and dead.

This is why the tissue breaks down, once removed from the living host.

They call the tissues cohesion "virus fragments, since it's the magnetic field or the force😂 that binds it together 🤣



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