For education use from Chemistry World

"From the 1960s onwards, poppers became established as a recreational drug, with various alkyl nitrites produced, including isopropyl nitrite, isobutyl nitrite and butyl nitrite, to get around legal restrictions. The drug was widely used by clubbers for a brief time in the 1990s, but plays a continued role in gay subculture. ‘You might say that poppers fumes became incorporated into the body of the gay community; their ubiquity influenced even those who didn’t use them,’ writes Adam Zmith in his book Deep Sniff: A History of Poppers and Queer Futures....

In a 1982 study, psychiatrist Thomas Lowry called them ‘the nearest thing to a true aphrodisiac’.

Are poppers legal?

As recreational use developed, so did legal restrictions on human consumption. By the late 1970s, they were no longer available over the counter at pharmacies. Manufacturers currently market poppers as ‘cleaning agents’, ‘industrial solvents’ or ‘room odourisers’ and state they are not intended for human consumption. Most governments seem happy to collude with this status quo. ‘They may be the only product that the state allows to be sold on a lie,’ writes Zmith."

Seems pretty straightforward why you don't want to test and experiment with a hypothesis. You aren't going to see funding from Dr. Fauci when you have a product like AZT to sell.


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I want to know now if these amyl nitrates were used/experimented with during MK Ultra/MK Naomi. It seems like it would be totally something they would have done and then introduced into this population (like they have with other substances). The HIV/AIDS symptoms can be linked to these toxins... but I am finding it can even be attributed to many COVID symptoms like methemoglobinemia, etc... which were also seen in the HIV/AIDS patients. What chemical weapons that were used during early MK Ultra and the many subprojects are now being used on the population and it is asserted it is viral in nature (when we are literally just being sprayed with chemicals like bugs)....hmmmmmmm?????

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"Benzene, Lubricant's and Aids" a research document my late benzene damaged wife found in our personal research, visit vactruth.com and type in those words or read about this in my book at outskirtspress/howisitpossible where i make it it's own chapter. Our research was to learn all we could about how to undo all the evil this cheap solvent did to my lady love and nothing to do with Aids. According to Dr. Stephen Byrnes ND, benzene was intentionally placed into gay men's lubricants that produce the same symptoms as the well known Aids virus. Same evil intentionally placed into women's feminine products under the names of paraBENS! "They" have known since the 1890's that benzene created cancers by many names and it caused diabetes, both of which my wife had and more. Same benzene in monsatan's Agent Orange, same benzene in gasoline, diesel, kerosene, aviation fuels, explosives, dyes, glues, inks, food preservative, meds., vaccines, paint's, lacquers/thinners, laundry detergents and done so intentionally. Benzene is a by-product of the crude oil refining process and is a cheap solvent that some one found out that it can and has been placed in so many places that most have no idea about. Back in 1905, the rothschild owned Standard Bank of New York funded the rockefeller's Standard Oil of Ohio, now Exxon-Mobil, Both the FDA and the EPA won't go near this very dangerous toxic chemical. (EPA was another rockefeller creation after trashing south Chicago with all manner of toxins and where the 'Super Fund' comes out of)

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