personally I’m not going to take any drug prophylaxis… if I have symptoms that don’t go away I will consider treatment for a short period.

hydroxychloroquine was also promoted as an alternative treatment for PHEIC (fayk) COVID … some are definitely less toxic than others

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I want people to be aware of the actual risks associated with taking these medications, as well as the history behind them, before deciding to use them. Over a decade ago, I suddenly felt incredibly ill for no apparent reason—it hurt to be touched in any way, and I couldn't even walk. I had erythema nodosum all over my body and eventually ended up in the Emergency Room after hoping the symptoms would subside. The medical staff assumed I was seeking drugs and treated me poorly, despite my lab results indicating something was wrong—if those diagnostics could even be trusted. It was the worst experience of my life. After being prescribed corticosteroids, the pain eased somewhat, and I was referred to a rheumatologist who wanted to put me on an anti-malarial drug and other medications. Seeing the severe side effects, especially hair loss—which, as a woman, was a major concern for me—and realizing that these healthcare "professionals" didn't actually know what was wrong with me and were just prescribing medication for an unknown condition, I chose not to take any of them. Instead, I reduced my stress levels, cut back on work, ate organic and unprocessed foods, and exercised as much as I could. It turns out I don't have rheumatoid arthritis. I think that's when I started to really wake up to the fraud of healthcare.

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I’m sorry you went through that ordeal.

It is a massively funded fraud.

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Aug 24Liked by Me Stuff

Try Artemisa annua instead. All the bits that arnt so great about H or I are negated by the synergistic constituents of the whole plant.😉

When we remove bits in nature, it means we are also removing the "safety switches".😊

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Aug 24Liked by Me Stuff

It’s growing all over my garden. I love the fragrance. What would be your recommended use and dosing ? Drying for tea?

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Aug 24Liked by Me Stuff

Thank you BB😊

For pointing out what I thought more people understood- the evidence is just not there, for it to treated like M&Ms.

Some of us hold to the precautionary principle. It used to mean caution and consideration, even so far as "first do no harm".

In the last few years particularly, it seems precautionary principle has been interpreted as wait an extra 12 months!

A serious lack of evidence for ANY drug should inspire questions and higher rigour, and free discussion. NOT census, vilification or derision.

And one should ALWAYS question those with currency incentives.😉

#precautionoverprofit #lookharder #wearemany #wearememory #wewillnotforgive #mistakeswereNOTmade #getlocalised

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Loving those hashtags! Great points too!

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Aug 24Liked by Me Stuff

Agreed. The ledge we are on is a complete distrust of the pharma industry. Which has also meddled deeply in the natural healing sector. I wonder if there are any amount of star-spangled peer reviewed, prestigious, journal published, quadruple-blinded, gwak, gwak trials that anyone would still have any whatsoever trust in. So, when we talk about the ‘precautionary principle’, higher rigor and long-term ‘testing’, it all falls flat on its face. No 200 to 400 year long-term xyz is going to fix it. Because: humans, motives and corruption always at play. Same for natural health products. Solution: everyone needs a toxin free backyard to grow their own medicinals - free of planes dumping, radiation pollution or soil heavy metal contamination. Easy peasy! Realistic though? Wandering through ‘uncontaminated natural spaces’, our forests and grasslands with our little burlap bag, picking the medicinals we then render into tinctures, salves and other savory, safe healing treasures works while ample time and good health is at hand. For sure, it’s the epitome of how our world should be. I really wish we could time-travel back to that kind of intact planet and …. but when was there ever a time people were not actively poisoned, genocided or lied to? Looking around, I see a population waaay beyond a level of health easily and timely restorable. But not likely a large herd can afford to drop their daily grind (while barely making it) and stomp into a 2 year $retreat$ for a good body and soul flushing. - Yes, we should. How do we keep this realistic for the many who pop pills on their way to work to keep the pain and survival manageable? Offer a workable solution, like: what herbals destroy nanotech? How can we all afford to move into safe spaces away from 5G and potential missiles with a gridlock of satellites overhead? People are trying. That’s excellent. Some compromises will need to be made by most who are aware. The alternative is to just give up. The rest have been lost a long time ago.

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Aug 25Liked by Me Stuff

Here we have a very suppressed study from 2011 with worrisome fertility results after using IVM for 11 months. It is very hard to find online. The only place it seems to be present is on a "fact-check" site to intentionally make it a "questionable study" for no good reason at all. It's called:

"Effects of Ivermectin therapy on the sperm functions of Nigerian onchocerciasis patients."

I made a screenrecording of the study and posted it on my substack today (option 1 to read it). Next to that you can visit the "fact-check site" I mention above and click in the article on the words "2011 study" (option 2). Here: https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/sep/09/facebook-posts/problematic-study-fuels-ivermectin-sterility-claim/

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Thank you!!!!

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Does anybody follow Wim Hof ? Just about breath and coldness - totally within your own control ... just saying as a senior with long life of many seasons ... never a cough or cold - not sure what that's about but so far , I haven't been told I am dead due to a different type of experiment .

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I've never heard of him or his theories until you just posted his name. Interesting. It kinda has a meditative/Tibetan monk vibe to it. With mediation they are able to change their metabolism and core body temperature, etc... I guess it really is mind over matter! There is much to that. Our thoughts control our reality. Thank you for sharing that info! Looking more into it now...

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Absolutely well sourced and excellent article on the history of ivermectin lack of studies on safety and human fertility impacts... A deep dive into how ivermectin went from investigational compassionate use to mainstream essential medicine with help of World Bank - IOJ is especially loving the part about the need for JUSTICE!

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Aug 25Liked by Me Stuff

I do wish that pharmacovigilance study had been conducted before 2021 - the plausibility of anti-ivermectin "research" takes a nosedive after 2019 as there were obvious fudge-RCTs put out after this, previously interpreted by the resistance as "attempts to suppress" this wonder treatment, but which, as you point out, could be some potent reverse psychology! Oh dear...I mentioned this to someone in my resistance community today and she became VERY stroppy in her defence of Pierre K. But then Pierre is not so popular with JJ Couey, who has been making a lot of sense to me lately. Tangled web indeed!

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My suspicious meter about any Merck product went up after finding out that George Merck was involved in U.S. military biologic and chemical weapons program. They tested so many chemical (and supposedly biological) weapons on Americans, American Soldiers, and poor people throughout the world. No one was ever held accountable for any of it either and the records were just "lost." No one could or to this day seem to find the details of what atrocities they had done or developed. Rather strange that so many medications like antibiotics, vaccines, ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc... all seemed to come out between around the 1940s-1970s when all these experiments were being conducted in secrecy. And one cannot ignore the fact that the World Bank who is connected to the CFR, Bilderberg, United Nations, who advocate for population control seemed to be at the helm of this research and development.

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I know hundreds of studies were retracted prior to 2020. The nosedive studies were intentional to downplay effectiveness. Over- dosing was one sign of corruption using this medication. Sorry for the non- medical term but “ DUH!!??” They thought we wouldn’t notice maybe? 😂

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DES was a great med too that helped stop abortions and cured cancer! Bahahahahahaha! Duh.

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Here’s some positive studies. ( I think they’re all positive.)


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They are all studying short-term immediate effects. Not long term. That is what you people who keep sending me this garbage don't seem to get. Ivermectin is a suppressant that isn't curing anything and it makes whatever is trying to get out of your body through mechanisms that cause symptoms (dis ease) stay in your body and over time all this stuff accumulates and will get you down the road. When you don't allow the toxins to be purged from your body you are making it go elsewhere in the body and suppressing it and it will come back later with a vengeance. Ivermectin is also toxic and is evident by the many deaths it causes in all life forms including humans. None of you sending me this stuff will EVER change my mind about this. I have done more than ample research on it. But you all keep believing that big pharma is your bestie. It is a Merck drug. Merck bad.

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Money/power/control motives in every unEthical thing We see...

Money Motivates the Most Marvelous Manifestations! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/money-motivates-the-most-marvelous

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Surely the billions of doses taken by people in Africa, which show zero anti fertility effects, could be referenced as real world human studies.

The massive overdosing of animals does not prove anything except that overdosing is a no no.

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But how does anyone know that there are no fertility effects if no one is collecting any data on it? No one does. And we all just assume that people are as some disgusting person wrote yesterday that "Africans are breeding like rabbits." That is an assumption and not fact. Scholarly literature is based on facts and not assumptions. Ivermectin is identical to so many different gaps in the literature like DES medication for one. No one really knows or talks the medication in the United States and elsewhere. How many people know that they may have suffered from the effects of that medication that their family took between the 1940s-1970s? Does anyone correlate that they may have fertility issues, cancers, etc... because their Grandmother or Mom took the medication? No because most people have NO idea the medication exists and their is a gap in the literature on it. You can't find what you aren't looking for. Did you even read my Substack though? What is the main idea of it? There is a HUGE gap in the literature on the effects of this medication on human health. And just like the medication DES that was given for over 30 years no one knows ANY of the true impacts of ivermectin either. Especially with the dosing variabilities. What happens when someone takes it yearly? What happens when someone takes it monthly? Weekly? Daily? No. One. Officially. Knows.

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How would we know what happened in African countries?

Most have no public health function and collect no records.

Meanwhile, global birth rates have fallen steadily over the last few decades.

Not saying how that happened because I don’t know.

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Have you taken a scientific position because you have drawn specific conclusions or simply raising the same questions regarding the absence of long term studies and fertility impacts of many drugs?

Many of us who love you are concerned for you, as you have been the ‘straightest arrow’ since 2020.

May God bless and keep you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you peace.

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Many good points, but… the Big 7 trials show that demanding big studies is stupid. Until we punish journal editors and contributors who publish junk science, like a study that starts using ivermectin 7 days after symptoms are noticed and makes sure that menu do not recipients receive their medicines until three days after the trial starts when same tested another drug 2 days after symptoms start with immediate delivery of the drug, we should not ask for large studies, but multiple small independent studies. Second, a warning is the solution. Ivermectin taken more than once might negatively impact fertility. People over 45 might say do what, but you in your ivory tower ethics would prevent people over 45 from using ivermectin because of this infertility risk, giving Big Pharma a win. We can tell the truth and still be pragmatic. We are fighting intelligent and wealthy foes who want to bring the population down from 8 billion to 250 million. Let’s not make their job easier by placing unnecessary burdens on ourselves. Do a few small studies quickly and tell the truth. Don’t have the power back to big Pharma. Give people the limited information in a truthful way and let them decide.

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All scholarly literature and medical research is biased BS. Ivermectin is big pharma. That is what baffles me. People make it seem like ivermectin is some kind of natural miracle cure. It is not natural. It is not a cure. It is a petroleum derived semi-synthetic substance. It is supposedly a Merck developed medication, but after reading all the IG Farben, Unit 731 and other top secret "medical experiments" conducted when this med came out...I don't buy anything about it. Same thing with fenbendazole, hydroxychloroquine, antibiotics, etc... etc... etc... And after doing a great deal of research I will never taken any pharmaceutical or supplement ever again. The science we are told about what is making people sick is fraudulent and the medications are making us all sicker not healthier. How is anyone fighting big pharma by taking a big pharma med? That one makes absolutely no sense. And no one really knows what is really in any of these big pharma products. We just take for granted that it is legit and safe. No thanks. You do you though.

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I will continue to be myself and think for myself. I do however admire your position. I currently take 0 pharmaceuticals and about 20 supplements. I think that with a healthy diet and a moderate amount of sunshine, most people would be better off with 0 pharmaceuticals and 0 supplements. Anything can be contaminated, including food, water, soil, air and supplements.

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