If I had a phone and money, I might go out and see... But, as I have neither, precluding travel 100%, and access to the app, I am guessing... Guess I will just have to be consent with the stories. LOL!
When computers first came out, and we were learning in college to program with punch cards in the proper sequence. There was a basic game of star trek we could play. Pretty soon we all learned how to “game” the system. If we put in Negative Phasers, it built back up our banked phaser outputs instead of using them up. “build back better,🤣”
So what would that look like now in the Space-Linear Time möbius strip game as we run out of breaths and heart beats some day? Even if we finally realize linear time is an illusion, and it is actually like the Pi spiral (a personal entry point, and then an infinite outward spiral), at some point on that infinite outward spiral is a Tilt. No more breaths is designed into the game. Tilt. So, can we play the matrix and game it with Negative Breaths? (Aka laying treasure in Heaven instead of chasing rainbow things…).The Secretary of Mercy so designated by Jesus says yes you can. In St Faustina’s diary entry 764.
“Christ, give me souls. Let anything You like happen to me, but give me souls in return. I want the salvation of souls. I want souls to know Your mercy. I have nothing left for myself, because I have given everything away to souls, with the result that on the day of judgment I will stand before You empty-handed, since I have given everything away to souls. Thus You will have nothing on which to judge me, and we shall meet on that day: Love and mercy.”
If I had a phone and money, I might go out and see... But, as I have neither, precluding travel 100%, and access to the app, I am guessing... Guess I will just have to be consent with the stories. LOL!
You're welcome!!! :)
When computers first came out, and we were learning in college to program with punch cards in the proper sequence. There was a basic game of star trek we could play. Pretty soon we all learned how to “game” the system. If we put in Negative Phasers, it built back up our banked phaser outputs instead of using them up. “build back better,🤣”
So what would that look like now in the Space-Linear Time möbius strip game as we run out of breaths and heart beats some day? Even if we finally realize linear time is an illusion, and it is actually like the Pi spiral (a personal entry point, and then an infinite outward spiral), at some point on that infinite outward spiral is a Tilt. No more breaths is designed into the game. Tilt. So, can we play the matrix and game it with Negative Breaths? (Aka laying treasure in Heaven instead of chasing rainbow things…).The Secretary of Mercy so designated by Jesus says yes you can. In St Faustina’s diary entry 764.
“Christ, give me souls. Let anything You like happen to me, but give me souls in return. I want the salvation of souls. I want souls to know Your mercy. I have nothing left for myself, because I have given everything away to souls, with the result that on the day of judgment I will stand before You empty-handed, since I have given everything away to souls. Thus You will have nothing on which to judge me, and we shall meet on that day: Love and mercy.”