Not convinced mRNA tech actually has mRNA.

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Me either. But it is the name they gave it...so I am rolling with it. I do think it screws with how we function as humans though for sure. Be it heavy metals or whatever garbage they put in it to discombobulate our humaning and what nots.

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I have collected 13 potential causes whose impact can also converge:


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It most likely doesn't, unless the globalist have gone completely nuts:


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Jul 6·edited Jul 6Liked by Me Stuff

Tried to watch the YouTube videos and my Operation Meter ramps up to RED LINE immediately.

YT is the Predictive Programming, the new MSM.

The new Narrative Minder, Promoter of zeeeeeeeeeeScience. The new limited hangout. The new, Gosh, ain't TECH grand? Loooooook at what we can do, y'all!

The scientists are "INSPIRED". Not really. They are just being paid to study what they are supposed to study and frame it as a win.

"We own the Science." Says the WEF.

Which is why you CANNOT watch a video on say, strength training without good old Stanford Neuroscience Creation ANDREW HUBERMAN lurking over their on the side panel.

The whole focus is to hand wave at "could be bad" but really GOOD!

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Would love to see the Backster Tests duplicated over and over and over.

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That is one of the criticisms of his work is that some people were unable to duplicate his work...but his ideas sound pretty interesting. I do think that these agencies doing all these weird ass tests and experiments are way more advanced than we could ever imagine though...and there has to be some truth in this. But like my kids like to tell me...maybe I don't know anything. LOL. The sciences do seem to be a very biased and controlled manipulation though. So who knows anything really?????

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Haz seen both sides of this "replicate science" spun thusly:

1. They can do more.

2. They can't do shit and are promoting the Fear and Possibility.

Run into this with Sabrina's stuff a lot and so I try to dissect to the roots.

Can they currently use the internet/cloud to access smart medical devices and get feedback from body?


Can they send ??? back to body for "health" reasons?

I *think so.

Could this be used "dual use"? To harm.



But much like with Gain of Function which is also Fear Porned to keep Threat Matrix alive...can they really do it?

Remember Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos?

And the people in the labs don't spill.

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Labs AKA money laundering facilities. LOL. All of that "science" is horse shyte. Would be fun to see a deep dive on Elizabeth Holmes and Theranos. I don't think what played out in the media with all that is really what happened though. She rarely blinked and wore Jobs-style black turtlenecks...sus. I hope my stack didn't come off as fear porny. Not the intent at all. But I do think that this type of science exists and how things like med beds and what not were invented to keep crotchity old psychopathic rich fooks alive. We are all electrical beings and until the medical establishment is allowed to say that part out loud we are going to keep playing the Ivermectin and vaccine big pharma medical model games.

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I like the Stack and I enjoy discussing Operations! 😻

Elizabeth Holmes, STANFORD (Elon, Bhattacharya, All the Psy Op Experiments in MK ULtra) was backed by Secretary of State George Schultz, Henry Kissinger (😮)...etc.

Schultz's grandson, Tyler, was the whistleblower.

Movies were made. Me, this is almost certainly a layered Operation and the first run through will have some plot points designed to conceal something else.

Holmes herself is a cartoon, always deeply suspicious, a distraction. With the baritone voice and the Clinton promotion of her.

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Verrrrrry interesting indeed!!!!!! She needs her own stack! The people need the stack!!!!! You're amazing Sage!

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If Sabrina & Pasheen are credible witnesses, I'd vote for, "Yes, they can do it."

Gedankenexperiment? Time-ship Jose Delgado back to, say, 1800 or so with a modest kit of equipment (anaesthesia for the bulls, his transmitter, scalpels, wires, etc) and have him stop a proto-neurolinked charging bull on Main St. in Chicago...would he get burned at the stake by traditional religionists? Or would the local rep for the Royal Society take him aside and outfit him with a lab? Kidnapped and interrogated by Masons or other occult fraternities? Sabrina's got too many patents/IEEE papers displaying in plain sight for it to be BS, IMO.

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Over a decade ago YouTube hosted various ways to biohack pacific roaches with similar techniques but now it’s a lot easier to stop a bull. In my childhood I was convinced the plants talked, still am but a friend of my fathers gifted me a “Music For Plants” LP released by Armstrong Nurseries which was mostly sounded too new age melotron-moog-elka and unpalatable for my young ears. I preferred my Marcel Marceau Live Vinyl.

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I try to always go back to what have they shown you?

And thus the example above.

Patents and prognosis papers are shown in Gain of Function and Science of Germs to be....ehhh...

But then you have folks who trample into a paradigm and are not happy when the basic questions threaten it. At the very least, the rollout of the "developments" matches stated agendas.

And then there will usually be a censorship or fake censorship Op to garner credibility. (Confidence game.) With plentiful Hero Ball like Naomi's hubby rolling on on the first Wellness Company by Kristen

Tough to sort out.

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It is tough to sort out because all of these people are hiding behind their public and very PRIVATE partnerships. I started a stack on it...but seem to keep not finishing it. All roads lead back to these partnerships. It makes me giggle a little when everyone is like we need to stop the WEF/UN/WHO...but they have already infiltrated every aspect of our lives through these partnerships including the sciences, academia, government, etc... And the ops you are talking about make it all possible so people stay in their seats, remain complacent, and watch the show.

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The Royal Society....shudder. Another horrid club that owns "the science."

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We don't have DNA or RNA. Its a concept.

The autoimmune disasters are what we are getting because people believe in computer programs which have resulted from the DNA concept (synthetic biology) and PCR. A belief system that makes a computer-generated solution in which it is accepted as correct without thinking.

We have chromosomes is what I learnt in biology. There was David Martin story on that. Here is the link https://vaccineimpact.com/2021/dr-david-martin-exposes-the-false-foundation-of-eugenics-you-dont-have-dna/

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David Martin is creepy.

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Jul 31Liked by Me Stuff

Oh I agree with you. Bought and paid for IMO

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