I remember an excerpt from 'The Secret History of the War on Cancer' where the author showed that back in Hitler's time, the scientists at the Bayer co. (yes aspirin) knew which chemicals caused which cancers. For instance, 100% of the people who worked with black dye died from bladder cancer. That's just one example! They made the cancer-causing chemicals AND they made the chemo drugs!!

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I believe that a million %!

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oh yes...and Bayer and Monsanto are allied now. Kind of says it all...

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And our Department of Defense! LOL! But seriously. Most of our agencies in the U.S. seem to be aligned with these chemical and pharma companies.

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Sanitary towels and tampons also full of nasties.

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All of us are bombarded by so many hidden chemicals. It's truly a "mystery" why we are all so sick!

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Being a retired chemist, I have to ask, are you aware of any studies conducted on clothing items that contain any of these chemicals to determine their longevity in the clothing. Don't get me wrong, I agree this list is very concerning. However, just like all chemicals, the concentration will diminish over time, making their inclusion in said clothing less of an issue (unless proven otherwise by some sound study conducted by a reputable researcher or institution able to conduct such a study.

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I just know that my kiddo got new pants and they smell like chemical death. Started looking into it and.... it resulted in my substack. Do YOU know of any scholarly/peer reviewed studies that we can look at?

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But really...can we trust studies? I am starting to think not so much.

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