Humble thanks for compiling this research. Great post.

DARPA Steve, a DePop continuation of the MIT (and Stanford) Depop models bamboozled Sweet Summer Child when he went in on his alma-mater, which has or used to have a Kirsch Auditorium.


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They have one tool and one tool ONLY to affect this mess They're creating for Us. Money. And I do not care what form it is in - They hold virtually all the gold on the planet so when fiat collapses, They're still be in control if We haven't done what it takes to make money moot.

Again I say, if I had the wherewithal to bring free energy tech out so We no longer need to account for Our energy added (use money), I would in a heartbeat. Again, I plead to Any and All who have the time, place, and...money...to bring it forth - and DON'T file for a patent, alerting Them!!! Mo0ney will be pointless and We ALL will live richly. Again I point to what I know of one such technology (there are many more):

Electrogravitics – My Knowledge of Free Energy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/electrogravitics-my-knowledge-of

And what We can co-create:

Blueprint for a Society of Ethical Sovereigns (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/blueprint-for-a-society-of-ethical

And more:

Quantifying Wealth (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/quantifying-wealth

Accounting For the Energy We Add (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/accounting-for-the-energy-we-add

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

Who Do You Think Did This? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/who-do-you-think-did-this

I could go on and on...

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"As we're busy slaughtering you and your progeny, give us everything you own (including ownership of your labors) and surrender any other pretense of your human rights to us. Thusly, we shall save the world and stop the climate from changing. We are your heroes, and this is why we're murdering you right now."

And so it goes.

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The most powerful thing these wolves have ever done is silence those who have real information. Oklahoma Bombing and building 7 on 911 silenced the truth

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Awesome. Ultimately, they cannot have power over nothing. They still believe that meat thinks.


The soul is eternal, the body is temporal/spacial. But what we are is as Einstein said: Non-local beings having a local experience. A whole lot of zeros are still zero.

So they will own nothing, and not be happy.

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..."predicting that civilization would collapse by the mid-21st century unless humanity changed course."...and what is that change of course? To murder 90% of humanity. You see, the bugwit globalists are really nothing more than specks of dust on a trinket as far as brain power goes.

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The basic sources to this "scientific B.S." are two crazy Englishmen - who are REAL psychopaths in camouflage, professionally disguising as "intelligent scientists" - called Charles Darwin & Thomas Robert Malthus.

Darwin was born in 1809 and Malthus was born in 1766.

Both idiots serve until today in American Universities to brainwash the students with FAKE-science into the religious belief - that humans are animals that must compete - so that eternal war is considered the "right way" & "overpopulation" is considered the worst danger to survival . . .

All of our "modern" insanity's like the mass-murder of our Baby's, vaccination to sterilize & kill, the installing of mass-murderers as heads of Government & the artificial poisoning of our water & our food & the geoengineering of our weather to create artificial destruction & panic can be traced to these TWO BRITISH IDIOTS IN HOLLYWOOD DISGUISE.

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Darwin was a Freemason. Not sure about Malthus. This seems to be a common theme amongst these people though.

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great work -thank you

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when just '300 persons' have all of the money (accompanied by a security force of thousands to keep them safe behinds their gates - self imprisonment) then they will be fighting amongst themselves to try to get even more from each other - self-annihilation.

The sovereign people will have nothing and walk freely amongst themselves, oblivious to the stupid shenanigans of 'the 300'.

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Agreed: The real solution is breaking the power these elites have over our lives and taking back control of our future.

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#follownone #bealocalist #leadbyexample #learn2unlearn #BEyourleader

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Former president of MIT is a WEF big-wig.

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Interesting how in the "Dennis Meadows: How the Population Must be Reduced to 1-2 billion, Achieved with Epidemics" video, he elegantly states there is this balance, like a law of nature, of the three following things:

1) Liberty

2) Consumption

3) Population

If you want more of one, then one of the other two must decrease.

And that the ideal world governance structure should be a smart ... DICTATORSHIP.

He seems like a guy who played way too many board games as a kid. The thing with board games is that there are a set of rules. Unchanging. Perfect. Mathematical. Unflinching.

Real life is not like that. It's unpredictable. Sometimes we discover new rules, ways to bend or cancel out the old rules. Sometimes we discover new resources. Sometimes we develop new global methods of free-flowing thought and exchange of ideas. Sometimes we expose the tricksters among us, and sometimes the tricksters are their own worst enemy.

Thanks for being here. =)

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The fundamental flaw in their claims is the ‘closed system’ hypothesis. It’s the elephant that sits on our lap while we conjecture that our environment would be linear - was it not for human input. Fascinating how brain-boxed people can get following blatant falsehoods. Blinded to the point of self destruction.

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