"Wernher von Braun, a former SS officer and architect of Hitler’s V-2 rocket program,"
What I feel in my gut when reading that sentence is that the V-2 is the Voice 2 skull tech that they have been engineering for ages. Part of Bluebeam's holographic consciousness inserts via frequency (5,6,7+,Gee) rendering human bodies useless for future endeavors.
It makes sense to me how they will get our consciousness to Mars. The "Dome" is our skull & what lies beneath is the battlefield that they wage war on.
yup yup, the dome is our skull, the planet our brains!
V2K/holographic tech, now even more sophist (o) catid methods are all part've the con-o-rama... All that stuff imho was used ta convince the gen-u-inely sincere "observers" of alien tech/crafts + those that say they were 'sperimented on... really believed it! Not lyin'--an' the ability ta project all manner've imagery in our friendly skies (which serve as screens like scotchlite with all the particles planes spread...they kin reflect projections easy as pie (in the sky!).
Since MKUltra SRA victims have described in DETAIL the hollyweird-level VR stuff done on 'em, the big-budgie lights, sound, makeup ta split / program 'em an' take them inta "worlds" unknown.... it's fer sure it's a no-brainer (lol) to take over vulnerable hew-man minds...
We ain't been ta the moon (imho) an' the van allen belt of radiation is gonna kill anythin' that reaches it so... Mars is in the hemo (like red blood) sphere of our brains... an' yup, there may be super high tech sites (physical ones) beyond Antarctica but I think the aliens among us are the nazis.... (not that a buttload of high tech hasn't been hidden from us includin' free energy--not that prior civilizations might have developed sophistocated tech that the nazis retro-engineered...all that's possible without da leeetle green mens ;-)
I've said it a bazillion times ... They play these whird games....Nuclear war games ... The REAL nuclear war is on our Prism cells, The nucleus ... anything to alter our holographic DNA.
Yes, the 20 & back gang have all been victims of Hollyweird, See eye aye , cray cray shit! Lights, A.I. camera, Reaction!
I always thought that Mars is just a frequency band, which is why it can give off sound ... If they tune our frequency to it ... They can insert our consciousness there & I suspect they have the tech to even give us new avatars with sensor systems installed, much like our chakra sensors in this level of "Hell".
You've brought a whole nother twist to the Mars game with the hemoglobin's. I've tried to read on it & been blocked at every access point except frequency.... which could always be false positive. It's interesting, no doubt!
Anything ELon is involved with is high witchery & heavily surveilled & blocked.
100% too fer the frequency heists--yup, frequency=light too, all that optigenics/optigenetics means light/sound MAN-ipulation an' I believe it kin look real without anything ever bein' "there"... it's like mini-blue beam in da blue "genes" (cuz literally they kin even store movies in our "dna"! they dunnit with an' old Muybridge film)... It sounds positively nuts but of course we ARE dealin' with psychopaths an' us human beans are just watchin' projections on the cave wall (or in our domes so ta speak!) An' of course "they" kin populate those domes as they please.. entire cities if they want...
So yup, mebbe Mars is infrared / connected with frequency (sound/light/temp)... an' I keep thinkin' of, yup, the red Plan-It blood connection (the intersection of nazis who were occultists an' totally immersed in SRA/child sacrifice & space via all them witchy bloodthirsty deviants runnin' their programs--folks refuse ta see the occult-nazi connections (dunno why). An' 'member (f)elon musk was a SRA kid an' still the son've-a-WITCH! (ha ha but it's true...not even Mae be troo! but is)... an' chooses MARS (blood red plan-it) AND mind/brain interfaces (inter-faces/interphases) as his own obsession.
Ta me all this Mars stuff, it's kind've a blood lust ta pursue. All these semi-hush-hush MARShun exploits which are indeed bloody-dark... and again, it's about control of the MIND... space= our ever-expansive human minds which go far beyond our "domes" (tho' (f)elon likes to CONTAIN his work to select DOME-Mains!)
anywhoo... with all yer sayin'.... (also yes, the whole avatars an' the theft of our consciousness is a huge thang--yipes!)
ps re nuke-clear war games--I full out think nukes are fake (radiation is real... but the worse zey kin do is stuff some radioactive muck inta a doity bomb)
I LOVE it! (f)elon musk/skum... I'm gonna borrow THAT K?
We never won WW2 .. We brought the Nazi's HERE as collabs.
We never went to the moon nor lost the tech to go back.
Nooks NOT real .... Radiation is Necessary for the "changes" they desire.
I love their enthusiasm tho to make the MOVIE to match the script!
Fritz Freud just put up a stack... sayin in part that (F)elons Dad has another child....with his stepdaughter.... NYPost coinfirms ....That family is all messed up.
All his kids are biobot cybrorgs from implanted test tubies I suspect ... thus the weird names, makes & models ... Probably implanted under a full red super moon to go along with the BLOOD RED fetish! Who knows...some ritual took place fer sure!
YES! optogenetics... Thus the color changes to our SUN! They are changing folks in ways that the average ape will never farthum!
Still waiting for that meteor, they keep promising us! :)
use it away! -- sum'times I say (f)elon musk ox... either way he's from a BLOODline fambly--an' ewwww yuk re his 76 year ol' daddy fatherin' a child with his stepdaughter... an' yup, all his kiddos (includin' with SRA satanic "wife" Grimes are messed up an' were likely born via ritual (lol Rosemary's Baby likely a good reference fer such events...it's (blood-spot on!)--I think he had ta sacrifice one kiddo ta the cabal an' the other they had ta turn trans... I guess even them "higher ups" gotta march ta the same devil-drummer...)
indeed, changin' what we see in our skies daily (fergettin' the faux aurora's--I did a stack on 'em--an' changin' how we see the sun--'er if we see it at all! ) is totally doable (dastardly too!) The entire concept of the "blood red sun" as an omen (it's also a spaghetti western!) is likely worth a deep dive too... it's also why they bombard us with baaaad LEDs (the wrong kinda blue light) which cancels out the good frequencies... part've optigenics & the IOT all talkin' to each other "invisibly"...
Ha ha Meat-Eyore on the way... hee haw ;-)
said it eggsactly -- makin' the mooovie match the script... an' it sounds like that script got wrapped up back in the 40's....
Speaking of implanting movies into our DNA .. which is witchy! ... I just cant wait til our money system gets implanted IN us! :( I can't even believe that I'm "alive" on this Terminator timeline! I contemplate a jailbreak, but it's just getting really interesting!
Yes, Spaghetti sun & them Hopi prophecies are about to be played! I'm gonna go check out your stack on faux auras.... after I make me some spaghetti squash!! YUM!
I know. I know. I totally think they are distracting us from Rupes Nigra and how this may actually be a huge thing they are covering up with this space stuff. And who really knows what "Mars" is.
"Wernher von Braun, a former SS officer and architect of Hitler’s V-2 rocket program,"
What I feel in my gut when reading that sentence is that the V-2 is the Voice 2 skull tech that they have been engineering for ages. Part of Bluebeam's holographic consciousness inserts via frequency (5,6,7+,Gee) rendering human bodies useless for future endeavors.
It makes sense to me how they will get our consciousness to Mars. The "Dome" is our skull & what lies beneath is the battlefield that they wage war on.
yup yup, the dome is our skull, the planet our brains!
V2K/holographic tech, now even more sophist (o) catid methods are all part've the con-o-rama... All that stuff imho was used ta convince the gen-u-inely sincere "observers" of alien tech/crafts + those that say they were 'sperimented on... really believed it! Not lyin'--an' the ability ta project all manner've imagery in our friendly skies (which serve as screens like scotchlite with all the particles planes spread...they kin reflect projections easy as pie (in the sky!).
Since MKUltra SRA victims have described in DETAIL the hollyweird-level VR stuff done on 'em, the big-budgie lights, sound, makeup ta split / program 'em an' take them inta "worlds" unknown.... it's fer sure it's a no-brainer (lol) to take over vulnerable hew-man minds...
We ain't been ta the moon (imho) an' the van allen belt of radiation is gonna kill anythin' that reaches it so... Mars is in the hemo (like red blood) sphere of our brains... an' yup, there may be super high tech sites (physical ones) beyond Antarctica but I think the aliens among us are the nazis.... (not that a buttload of high tech hasn't been hidden from us includin' free energy--not that prior civilizations might have developed sophistocated tech that the nazis retro-engineered...all that's possible without da leeetle green mens ;-)
The "Reich Stuff" indeedy!
You nailed it gurl!
I've said it a bazillion times ... They play these whird games....Nuclear war games ... The REAL nuclear war is on our Prism cells, The nucleus ... anything to alter our holographic DNA.
Yes, the 20 & back gang have all been victims of Hollyweird, See eye aye , cray cray shit! Lights, A.I. camera, Reaction!
I always thought that Mars is just a frequency band, which is why it can give off sound ... If they tune our frequency to it ... They can insert our consciousness there & I suspect they have the tech to even give us new avatars with sensor systems installed, much like our chakra sensors in this level of "Hell".
You've brought a whole nother twist to the Mars game with the hemoglobin's. I've tried to read on it & been blocked at every access point except frequency.... which could always be false positive. It's interesting, no doubt!
Anything ELon is involved with is high witchery & heavily surveilled & blocked.
Thanx for the convo!
100% too fer the frequency heists--yup, frequency=light too, all that optigenics/optigenetics means light/sound MAN-ipulation an' I believe it kin look real without anything ever bein' "there"... it's like mini-blue beam in da blue "genes" (cuz literally they kin even store movies in our "dna"! they dunnit with an' old Muybridge film)... It sounds positively nuts but of course we ARE dealin' with psychopaths an' us human beans are just watchin' projections on the cave wall (or in our domes so ta speak!) An' of course "they" kin populate those domes as they please.. entire cities if they want...
So yup, mebbe Mars is infrared / connected with frequency (sound/light/temp)... an' I keep thinkin' of, yup, the red Plan-It blood connection (the intersection of nazis who were occultists an' totally immersed in SRA/child sacrifice & space via all them witchy bloodthirsty deviants runnin' their programs--folks refuse ta see the occult-nazi connections (dunno why). An' 'member (f)elon musk was a SRA kid an' still the son've-a-WITCH! (ha ha but it's true...not even Mae be troo! but is)... an' chooses MARS (blood red plan-it) AND mind/brain interfaces (inter-faces/interphases) as his own obsession.
Ta me all this Mars stuff, it's kind've a blood lust ta pursue. All these semi-hush-hush MARShun exploits which are indeed bloody-dark... and again, it's about control of the MIND... space= our ever-expansive human minds which go far beyond our "domes" (tho' (f)elon likes to CONTAIN his work to select DOME-Mains!)
anywhoo... with all yer sayin'.... (also yes, the whole avatars an' the theft of our consciousness is a huge thang--yipes!)
ps re nuke-clear war games--I full out think nukes are fake (radiation is real... but the worse zey kin do is stuff some radioactive muck inta a doity bomb)
I LOVE it! (f)elon musk/skum... I'm gonna borrow THAT K?
We never won WW2 .. We brought the Nazi's HERE as collabs.
We never went to the moon nor lost the tech to go back.
Nooks NOT real .... Radiation is Necessary for the "changes" they desire.
I love their enthusiasm tho to make the MOVIE to match the script!
Fritz Freud just put up a stack... sayin in part that (F)elons Dad has another child....with his stepdaughter.... NYPost coinfirms ....That family is all messed up.
All his kids are biobot cybrorgs from implanted test tubies I suspect ... thus the weird names, makes & models ... Probably implanted under a full red super moon to go along with the BLOOD RED fetish! Who knows...some ritual took place fer sure!
YES! optogenetics... Thus the color changes to our SUN! They are changing folks in ways that the average ape will never farthum!
Still waiting for that meteor, they keep promising us! :)
use it away! -- sum'times I say (f)elon musk ox... either way he's from a BLOODline fambly--an' ewwww yuk re his 76 year ol' daddy fatherin' a child with his stepdaughter... an' yup, all his kiddos (includin' with SRA satanic "wife" Grimes are messed up an' were likely born via ritual (lol Rosemary's Baby likely a good reference fer such events...it's (blood-spot on!)--I think he had ta sacrifice one kiddo ta the cabal an' the other they had ta turn trans... I guess even them "higher ups" gotta march ta the same devil-drummer...)
indeed, changin' what we see in our skies daily (fergettin' the faux aurora's--I did a stack on 'em--an' changin' how we see the sun--'er if we see it at all! ) is totally doable (dastardly too!) The entire concept of the "blood red sun" as an omen (it's also a spaghetti western!) is likely worth a deep dive too... it's also why they bombard us with baaaad LEDs (the wrong kinda blue light) which cancels out the good frequencies... part've optigenics & the IOT all talkin' to each other "invisibly"...
Ha ha Meat-Eyore on the way... hee haw ;-)
said it eggsactly -- makin' the mooovie match the script... an' it sounds like that script got wrapped up back in the 40's....
Speaking of implanting movies into our DNA .. which is witchy! ... I just cant wait til our money system gets implanted IN us! :( I can't even believe that I'm "alive" on this Terminator timeline! I contemplate a jailbreak, but it's just getting really interesting!
Yes, Spaghetti sun & them Hopi prophecies are about to be played! I'm gonna go check out your stack on faux auras.... after I make me some spaghetti squash!! YUM!
Meat-Eyore... Nice one!
Stay Cray Sister!
We might want to increase Our pace in doing what We can to strip psychopaths of Their single tool to power.
The End of (Social) Entropy (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-end-of-entropy
space lol
I know. I know. I totally think they are distracting us from Rupes Nigra and how this may actually be a huge thing they are covering up with this space stuff. And who really knows what "Mars" is.
I've been screaming for years that SpaceX is just another MIC agenda to overthrow the SPACE between our ears.
The REAL space is Our consciousness. Starlink is the means to the hive mind plug & play of humanity.
And some have more space than others. Haha! :)
The universe IS inside of us :) Vast galaxies of neurons just waiting to be fired up!
Ohhhhh...well said!!!! I love that.
Why, Thank You Very Much :)
yup, it might be as simple as other continents not on our maps but velly real, physical, an' known to soiten well-paid pile-lots...
Trust Musk at your own peril.
I think all those towers they suddenly put up that really doesn't have anything to do with communications probably has a hand in it as well.
It's not so much about "enlightenment",
as it is about a prison break for your consciousness.