Aug 31Liked by Me Stuff

Long but very interesting article. We gave up vit d3 long time ago, so much advertised by doctors in these last years, in big quantities. Rat poison.

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This is the condensed version! Haha. It was hard to make it short with all the info. :)

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Aug 31Liked by Me Stuff

Thank you for sharing, I enjoyed reading it, no complaints! :)

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Liked by Me Stuff

Outstanding compilation with an unexpected target!!! Couldn't agree more!! This is a keeper...

a couple of notes in support...

"Despite rebranding and corporate mergers, the dark legacy of exploitation and moral failings that once marked Hoechst AG still looms large, casting doubt on whether the pharmaceutical industry has truly changed." My question....why would they?

The 1st chemo treatments were mustard gas reverse-engineered and taken to the TDA-toxic dose level that characterizes the dosing recommendations of most (all?) meds.

In "The Secret History of the War on Cancer" our midwest automakers work-around of the Trading w the Enemy Act is described. In it, you also find a very different view of Hitler's history, as well as Bayer's early cancer research. They knew which chemicals caused which cancers and then went on to manufacture BOTH.

On petroleum-based medicine, German naturopath, Hulda Clark, considered petroleum jelly a cancer-causing substance. Right under our noses, but we don't think twice...

I remember one yr something akin to 1200 chemicals were removed from the list of what has to be on food labels. I tried to compile lists of chemicals I was familiar with...couldn't begin to reach these numbers. My question: how many did they take off the list in the years before...and after? We really can't know despite the govt. or mfrs 'assurances.'

"Why does fenbendazole get a pass when other potential treatments are scrutinized to the point of being stifled?" Stifled as in murdered? As in ozone practitioners? Or forced off-shore?

Damn right these people make up their testimonials!! I've caught several and outed them. (it's actually quite easy to track-most of the names and faces, etc. don't match- pulled from funeral sites, etc.) Common practice. The desperate believe LITERALLY ANYTHING.

There are legal restrictions for licensed doctors when it comes to claiming to 'cure'. That cuts both ways. Everyone else is legally relegated/restricted to anecdotal material. Open to fraud depending on the integrity of the one making the claims.

Lastly and I'll hop off...from my personal experience as a manufacturer of fragrance products. The mention of aldehydes caught my attention! Aldehydes are chemical cousins of formaldehyde or embalming fluid, etc. Not on the labels. They are used WIDELY in common products such as beer, candles, essential oils, basically ALL flavors and fragrances (which come out of the same factories.) Slow poison. Scented diffusers are horrible. Your coffee syrups, etc etc. Hidden in plain sight.

On a related note, lavender is a plant estrogen. There were clusters of young boys developing breast tissue-at 1st thought to be associated w/ ever-younger onset of puberty due to the hormone additives to meat, milk ...and plastics (I always forget that one). But these boys were 4-6 yrs old. Researchers were sent to the various families of these boys....the common denominator? The moms were putting a drop of lavender oil on their pillow cases to help them sleep! Once discontinued, they returned to normal after 4-6 months. We wonder why the kids are gender-confused.... Look no further.

Again thank you for a fantastic post!!!!!!!

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Deb thank you for all this information!!!!! It is all so interesting!

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You're welcome Betty... It will be interesting to see where this all goes... All the best!

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Same to you as well.

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Interestingly... I wanted to see an image of Sanofi's statue outside the headquarters... I searched up one side and down the other - on Ducky and Yandex! - and found nothing. Maybe I didn't pick the right terms...

Anyway, indeed, the pHARMaceutical industry is money/psychopathy driven! When I was a teen, They put Me on Ritalin - I took it for three days and threw it out. Never mentioned to My parents that I got rid of it.

And then there has been My jab experience... First one at 6 gave Me psoriatic arthritic for life, second one (for tetanus) at 24 gave Me tinnitus for life. Last jab I ever took. (I'm 67 now...)

I also have sought out natural remedies, and eaten organic, virtually all My life. As for My feelings about pHARMa?

Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/why-i-am-this-unspeakable-thing-5:8

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And I am very sorry to hear about your vaccine injuries. I hope you find something that helps make you feel better.

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Well, I had something that worked marvelously for 50+ years, but… Well, here’s My piece on that.

Pain or Tainted Herb (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/pain-or-tainted-herb

Thank You for Your payment of caring! I am enriched!

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Aug 31·edited Aug 31Author

Here is where I got the info from...https://www.sanofi.com/en/magazine/paris-2024-partnership/paris-2024-opening-ceremony

It says from October 2024...so maybe it is not there yet and will be started October? But still. Cringe!

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Ahhhh. It WILL be in front of Their headquarters. Creepy!!!

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That was my fault. I said it already was but it won't be until October. Sorry about that.

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