Hey B!

Here is another entry level research dump, related. Not posted and probably won't but if any of this is helpful.

"We'll coup whoever we want." Elon


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Thank you. I tried to post that stuff on the Giving Pledge yesterday and it made me take out some of my info on Bill Gates to be able to post it. Super weird stuff!!!! Elon is right there with that group.

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Great post. Put that Gates shit back in, says here! Go edit the post and put it back in! 😅

Philanthropy as control goes back to the Rockefellers. Gates crowed on CNBC about the returns he got on vaccines.

The Rockefellers who made their fortune on OIL are now ENVIRONMENTAL EUGENICISTS.

I followed your Katherine Lorenz link to Philanthropy Circle Jerk. To here.


To her Mexican non-profit.

"Not yet forty, Katherine Lorenz has been active in the social sector since her early twenties, most notably as co-founder of Puente a la Salud Comunitaria, a nonprofit organization working to advance food sovereignty in rural Oaxaca, Mexico."


👆 Scrubbed.

I immediately thought of Taylor Lorenz, the (fellow Jewish, pro-Zionist) doxxer of Libs of Tik Tok 🤨) whose uncle runs the Wayback machine, AND of the similarly named recent triple jabbed Alexis Lorenze that Kirsch laser pointed to.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 6Liked by Me Stuff

Is the Wayback scrubbing? There is a story I've been trying to reconstruct for a couple of years. This involves Shari Arison, the daughter/heiress of the Carnival Cruise Lines founder and the wealthiest woman in the Middle East. Her very strange comic-tragic (auto?)biography came into my hands almost 20 yrs ago.

Her turbulent life story ended w/a plan to take over ALL the water interests in the world. She and a couple of uber wealthy Israelis thought to themselves...'What do humans need above all else?... Water!" They formed a consortium and began quietly buying up water rights around the globe. They influence legislation (in many localities, for instance, it is now against the law to collect rain water from your own roof!) Again, all under the radar.

It's an incredible story that no one seems aware of. She and her book and her tumultuous past are thoroughly scrubbed. She is now a spiritual philanthropist. https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3755166,00.html is as close as I can get to this story now. Wayback has no record. I've been scouring out of print bks, etc. for some time. Someone should be able to run with this...

Another bit: https://muckrack.com/efrat-peled/bio

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Now Milton. Already executive order in Florida

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North Carolina;

Where Ralph Baric and FauXi forced gain of function created SARS2-Cov19. At UniNC for DoD.

Largest Lithium vein in the US. Need to strip mine it down 500 feet+, releasing Arsenic into the water and environment. Lithium Mining (permit process started in 2018 just now awarded to Australian Piedmont) takes a lot of water. NC has avg 51 inches rain annually.

Purest Quartz deposit in the US for silicon chips.

All needed by DoD, DARPA-BARDA and the bioweapons military industrial complex.

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5Author

I don't think there is gain of function really. Just a bunch of money laundering facilities. Viruses are a Rockefeller fairy tale to scare the masses into buying their products and compliance. Our DoD/DARPA is connected to all these globalist scum. I agree with ya there.

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I’m at a hybrid junction on viruses. Maybe they exist, maybe not. Still no scientific evidence to prove they do. But like the Science vs Religion StrawMan (Truth can’t contradict Truth, True science reinforces true Religion), virus vs no virus is irrelevant when it comes to Something made everyone sick and killed millions. Even worse when they used the Utopia playbook and injected 60% of the Whurl with genetic altering poisons.

My Occam’s Taser is on biosynthetic manufactured freeze dried altered venom peptides. Like the Gila Monster weight loss wonder drug that causes stomach paralysis. Some blood pressure meds and thinners made venom peptides. And the latest pain “Killer” med substitute for opioids made from synthetic cone snail venom altered peptides. Venoms have been used since before Rome. Just a theory.

As for blowing up dams? Sure! Bldg 7 WTC. Pack the explosives. Wait for the right tropical depression to spin up and steer (See Dane Wiginton’s video on HAARP steering of Helene and all the Chemtrail pics over NC 3 daze before Helene hit). Sure, 👍.

Onwards, through the DARPA self assembling nanoBot 6Gs and HAARP chemtrails.

All eyes are on Hurricane Milton now.

Pray or 🐝 prey.

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Pray or prey. LOL. Love it!

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