Vaccines are poisons



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“No” is a complete sentence, I love that… puuurrrfect!

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Sep 22·edited Sep 22Liked by Me Stuff

This has been going on our whole lives, even the oldest among us, messages of fear of viruses and deadly germs. It is hard to imagine what it means to live without this assumption. We can see it cognitively, but it takes more than that. Some of this is attached at the emotional level. The cartoony video demonstrates this very well.

There are universal basic human emotions that this appeals to, two in particular. The basic emotions are Sadness, Disgust, Happiness, Anger, Surprise, Fear. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/general/emotions-transcend-race-and-culture-universal-emotions/

Many have noted how fear figures in. However, it is disgust that also is key. Disgust relates to fear of contamination. If there is fear of contamination from things unseen, that may be even more powerful. Hence, people bought into the masks, the six-foot rules, no public gatherings, asymptomatic spreaders and superspreader events, babies wearing masks, and on and on. The woman being arrested for not wearing a mask is one of many videos that circulated, including ones where people were beaten, etc., and isolation camps.

Some of these things became rituals for many people and I see people when shopping, etc. who still wear masks. Rituals that they believe will keep them safe. Rituals that reinforce the messages about dangerous germs. Rituals that will raise doubt in some people who no longer wear masks.

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That Ohio video, of the woman getting arrested for not wearing a mask, is one of many proving that a peaceful solution is fading fast.

We have waited to the point where the Satanic elitist scum will release a deadly plague or initiate a Nuclear barrage, while they run to their bunkers, if they begin to be overcome in any way by the masses.

Nasty and discusting little creatures homo sapiens can be. They seemingly have so much potential.

As it is written, without God and all that is good, we are nothing.

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Millions more are waking up everyday to the crime of Virology!

Wise Traditions Podcast Episode 491

Blowing The Lid Off Virology (Or Bird Flu Part 2)

with Jamie Andrews


Love, Truth, Justice and Freedom!

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