Psychopaths, every one. Propped by money.

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

It IS a Planetary Problem! (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/it-is-a-planetary-problem

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Does anyone else find most of these signatures to be disturbing from a handwriting analysis standpoint?

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What was weird for me was that it wouldn't let me add Bill Gates signature or his other letter to this substack. I had to remove it. From a handwriting analysis standpoint...what do you find weird about them???? Would love to know.

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Oct 6·edited Oct 6Liked by Me Stuff

I noticed that...My impression is that he probably doesn't want it in circulation.

Like many things, with handwriting analysis there is a pop version and a time-honored version. I studied for a time with a marvellous old woman who learned it back when it was called grapho-analysis. She took one look at my scribbled 'D' and promptly told me the complicated nature of my relationship w/my mother. That's how good the old ones were.

Before going to Bosnia to work on the survivors of the rape and concentration camps from the 90s war, I brushed up on it as well as Benham's Palmistry (he did a serious study of prisoners, mental patients etc.) I would have no way of knowing if I was working on a murderer, rapist or victim, so studying the hands (which leads to handwriting...but in essence, reflects the 1st connection of the brain to the body) became a kind of shorthand that informed and protected me. What I see are some highly abnormal, aggressive, dysfunctional types. Some trying to hide their characteristics, some very overblown types. If you just go by your gut sense, you know there are very disturbing elements here. Just shade out what you know about the signer and gaze at the script...and wonder a little. There are people who do this professionally...would be very interesting to get their impressions.

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It really would!!!!!

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