My spidy sense is in overdrive. How many people have caught on to the good doctor and The Wellness Center? Not enough yet. Excellent post! 🎯

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Yet Foster Coulson and his digital thugs have focused on destroying Amazing Polly for questioning why are so many "influencers" taking money from and supporting TWC while Kristin Elizabeth, who published the original TWC research, is unscathed.

Steve Kirsch through Trevor FitzGibbon (Malone & RFK Jr.'s PR guy) has done a phenomenal job in fooling Conservatives and Independents into trusting these money, power and media whores. Their cults have fully absorbed the targeted destructive psyop. Trevor is an evil genius.

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A delicious article resplendent with many of the required actors and the dark-shadow of supra-national institutions. Thank you. It seems astonishing that so many would care to cavort or be seen on this stage of marketing hedonism, self-aggrandizement, narcissistic hubris, and mirrored adulation, under the oblique shadow of the "Wellness Company." Does authenticity and principled ethics still exist? Do 'people' actually pay attention and believe the unadulterated claptrap that thinly masks more sinister, self-evident motives? /rhet (no answer required)

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The answer to your questions: no, and no. In no particular order: power corrupts, absolute power, corrupts absolutely. Money: money speaks where voice do not, follow the money, and forget what is said. Actions speak louder than words, so does money. Assess: Always ask questions, and question everything. What appears on the surface is not reality or truth of matters ... think of all those lying Christmas letters, where people are too embarrassed to actually tell the truth of their lives of quiet desperation. Shame: if you knew the truth, you would hate me despise me... shame is a great controller...

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That Stephanie Cirami looks like some cheap ho ,

man this was too much for me . Was the miss universe a transvestite ? Where was Paul Alexander , was he not invited to all these gala affairs or is he a paid spokesperson for these folks ?

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Alexander would never personally associate with these people at such an embarrassingly "cheap" and profane display of poor taste and self-congratulation. I would think he'd have declined participation, if invited. I believe he has a pure heart.

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He is always advertising & promoting the Wellness Company .

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That troubles me, too, Wanda.

But...if you'll notice, it's clear Alexander is not the author of those promotional e-mails we receive directly by e-mail from "The Wellness Company." Their cheesy advertising-copy style of writing is neither in Alexander's formal, edited, medical publication style nor his informal, more emotional, yet highly informed substacks published multiple times per day.

I've actually thought about blocking The Wellness Company's direct e-mail advertising from my e-mail account but decided against it in order to stay aware of what they're up to.

Putting this in perspective, I believe Alexander is convinced that Hunter Coulson is a sincere trust fund baby with altruistic goals. I have a very different, opposite view of Coulson. But I think I have to trust that Alexander knows what is best for himself. I don't have to agree with him on his personal opinion of his employer to find great value in his research or to trust his opinions in other areas.

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I don't think Foster Coulson is part of the pedophilia ring that follows Brock Pierce and the crypto bros and that's probably why Dr. Alexander is OK with advertising their products. The Unjected Twitter account has been especially grotesque towards Amazing Polly and I blame Coulson for allowing it. She's asking questions that Coulson and his digital thugs don't like. It's obvious that Coulson and Steve Kirsch have bought "alternative" or "Conservative" media and its leaders. It's disgusting.

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Kathleen - one can hope

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Fantastic post.

Looking at the laurel wreath symbol for IAOTP was a little signal….. but it didn’t take very long at all to reach the UN.

TWC and McC looking dodgy as be dammed.

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I agree, Tess. But somehow I reserve judgment for McCullough who seems personally naive, like a lamb to the slaughter.

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stumbled across a tweet from McCullough where he quotes Jeremy Farrar (WHO, Wellcome Trust, World bank, SAGE, Oxford Uni global health, co writing papers with Stanley Plotkin.

Also McC is promoting a contagion emergency pack or some such via TWC and pretty much endorsing the whole fear of disease

and virus narrative which is what has driven vaccines for over 150yrs and we still lack any incontravertible evidence of contagion.

McC is not looking good.

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I see your concern.

Jeremy Farrar is one of the least reliable sources internationally on health matters. In the same category as Fauci, Tedros, Bourla, Hotez.

McC's association with Foster Coulson and TWC is troubling.

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And a highly paid.rx shill, "why just pfizer or moderna? What about novavax?"

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I used to think that, but now assume that he's a guy who seems naive and sincere. Of course the very best con artists also seem that way. If someone seems dodgy you know not to trust them. He could be masterminding the whole thing and would still look naive and sincere. Not saying that's true, but one thing to consider.

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Kathleen - McCullough … “naive”

Ha! Hardly. Oh how I wish he were!

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I think he's straddling the fence in many areas to maintain his status.

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Well done Sage Satan is certainly very busy filling up hell with these morons.

I have 3 dead family members and another one being carved up by the oncologists this very day with stage 4 cancer

Seems like there is no soul in medicine

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I am so sorry.

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Ivermectin, Fenbendazole protocol cures cancer

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It is kind of tripping me out though how much you look like my Grandpa. You could be twins! But seriously...this whole ivermectin fenbendazole thing is a total sham. They used to say that about another medication that people took for over 30 years called DES and the side effects of that big pharma nightmare (much like all this current take the ivermectin and fenbendazole nonsense) will be felt for generations. How to prevent cancer? Don't take big pharma stuff and try to live as clean and non-toxic life physically and mentally as you can. Amen. https://mestuff.substack.com/p/the-des-tragedy

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No it doesn't. If it did there would be a lot less people dying.

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The people that do die from cancer weren’t informed by their doctors because the standard treatment is a cash cow for cancer treatment. Do your research before making uninformed statements.

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But drugs used as pesticides in third world countries cure cancer? OK. Good luck to you.

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Wishing you peace, strength and justice, Marianne.

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Betty, excellent research. In my past life, I was involved with some of the women business owners organizations. I don't like booze so I discovered at these fancy schmanzy self adulizing events that some of these women leaders have serious problems with alcohol consumption. When tipsy, they're honest about the games played when selecting the winners- many times it has nothing to do with the recipient's hard work or real success. I learned that in many cases, the recipients have to pay big fees in order to be nominated and/or win. These awards are nothing but an ego & marketing boost - McCullough pushed the jabs on us, just like Malone. Thank you for going down this ugly, corrupt, plastic surgery/botox rabbit hole.

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Word Association Game: What are the first words that come to mind after reading this article?



Potemkin village


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Shimmering chimeras following each other...a sequence of sequins

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i like circle-jerk!


de void


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word association after reading.....ughhhh., creepy, decent, plastic, dark, sinister..the devil

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DECEIT...is what I meant

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If anyone is interested in real science, then read Matt Ehret's and Cynthia Chung's history books. You have been lied to your entire life. Medical fraud, history fraud, education fraud, political fraud. Everything is broken, Bob Dilon. I was a fan of Dilon until he accepted the Presidents medal from Obama. He just sold out for club membership, so sad, no wonder he looked so uncomfortable in his formal suit sitting there knowing what he was doing. I still like his music, but he is now a shit bag on a personal level.

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Why not just come right out and say "Bob Dylan"? (The nasal poser who screwed the young, idealistic, highly-talented Joan Baez over after he used her well-deserved fame and influence to become famous and influential himself.)

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Well, I have to say that the reverse was the actual case! She in an interview stated as much. Not defending his real self at all but Joan was enamored with him and like every woman he ever had a relationship with, he dropped them like a hot potato. I love Joan and I listened to her music first, so not disparaging her. Let's face it, Dylon was masterful at using other people's music to reinvent himself many times, but the fact remains that his body of work is pretty impressive! He is still a shit bag and a sellout. No disrespect intended; I just see this in the opposite light than you do, Jack.

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Thanks for your reply, Jack.

I don't see where we disagree

: )

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IAOTP sounds like a Hollywood PR firm that seeks out it's own clients. What a twist on that business model, but apparently it's very successful catering to rich egos looking for the ultimate recognition(narcisism) and boost up (greed). You can just never have enough fame and money, I hear. 🙄 I wonder if Ms Cirami every studied Edward Bernays?

Wait a minute! Why doesn't the great and wonderfully talented Stephanie Cirami have a simple Wikipedia page? Although (or because) I know that Wikipedia is a marxist propaganda site, I find this VERY ODD, indeed. I was looking for who the Queens DA was that she first worked for but I can't find ANY info about her that doesn't come straight FROM her. In interviews, Steph mentions her motivations and previous jobs in the DAs office and in publishing but there doesn't seem to be any independently verified or verifiable information about her, like a typical Wiki entry would provide. Like when/where she was born, her parents, family, early professional career history with a semblance of a resume with schooling, grad dates, employment dates, etc. The closest I can come is that she's got "20 yrs of experience", so that would be Richard Brown as the Queens DA she started out working for. And again ODDLY enough, Mr Brown's Wikipedia entry is VERY strangely thin, especially since he was the longest serving DA in NYC and died in office in 2019 at the age of 86. What did he accomplish in that time? What were his connections?


This looks like a thread waiting to be pulled by some people on 4chan...

The current Queens DA is this nightmare of a woman, Melinda Katz.🥴 "Whatever your situation, background, immigration status or economic means; whether you are a third-generation Queens resident or someone who came here yesterday to provide your family a better life; whatever your gender identification or sexual orientation, Justice must always look the same.” https://queensda.org/

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I found the career jump sketchy too. She goes from working the sex crime unit to the gang violence unit to picking the GLOBE's Top Professionals? ....... Um how did working the sex crime and gang violence units provide her experience for picking top professional s....or fund the glitzy front organization. Does being a DA pay well?

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I know.......I was laughing when reading that part.......

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If Wikipedia is marxist, LOL, then China is a pure democracy. Wiki is tame compared to the other censorships going on. I never heard of this Cirami lady til today. The question is why? There are censorships of truths that have been revealed, and censorships of hidden truths yet to be discovered and revealed. This seems to fall under the 2nd category, but then I am new at all of this. Was too busy being a local activist for 35 years. Missed a lot and feel hopelessly lost but trying to hang on to the tail of this crack the whip who's who and WTF is what.

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Too much to endure. I couldn't even make it to the end without regurgitating my last meal...

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agree. I just feel nauseated and like I have some creep's semen on me and in me after he raped me, even though i washed and washed a hundred times. Who ARE these 'people?' I guess i better read what else she has been substacking since i am now subscribed....

sometimes i feel that substack itself is a maze with no escape, and i wonder why i never go outside or see in real life friends anymore and i'm on the computer 18 hrs a day trying to find the truth. IS it even possible? . all i do is read these, and feel more and more caught in a global net of conspiracy and i can't sort out truth from the overlay of millions of beliefs and suppositions, but then there is also...the truths that these substackers are working hard to discover/uncover.

Is this what the owners want? To throw out the breadcrumbs we can chase like chickens after the grains - what happens to all this information and knowledge when the grid goes down? I'll wish I had gone outside and tried to grow more food and walked on the earth with bare feet and had real relationships with the people I knew right here. The internet of things is sucking my life force away.... Time to take a Think with more than my addictive tendencies.

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John 14:6

Ecclesiastes 12:12-14

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I literally cried when I saw the Cardiologist of the Year award. It slapped me right upside my head. No way does a person who is harassed, has his board certification stripped gets this kind of award. All the glitz and glamour. The Peter McCullough I thought I knew would not buy into this kind of thing. But this is a good lesson to not fall into a trap of thinking someone is the good guy. Even one that can cite all his sources for every sentence he speaks. I wonder if any experienced clinicians fact checked his sources???

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new horrifying thought; maybe that is a double. Would not be surprised if anyone 'for real' were murdered these days, and replaced with a double 'sellout.' Less sinister but still sinister - AI generated nonsense.

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Yikes- what a thought- but could be absolutely true!!

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Anna Nicole Smith won posthumous award last year.

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A beautiful woman who was controlled by monsters. I remember her tragic death and the ugly fight over her daughter and her estate.

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Yes, poor thing. Not very bright and drug-addled, likely by those who exploited her. Didn't deserve her ultimate fate or the way she was manipulated during her lifetime.

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I need a shower

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hola, bb! wow! i loved this dive into yet another warren of thieves. at what point does one's credulity snap and the associates aren't acts of naïvete by a much maligned jewel?

isn't it fascinating how the convid has accelerated hero to herder?

the self echoing between the 'separate' groups that somehow wind up connected to the big bad groups and the un and who is certainly an easily detected patterned locus.

as others comment below, the meteoric rise of cirami also brought flags up in front of me: like epstein, bankmanfried, musk, et al. in particular, this great exploration of the dirth of stuff smell of drit: https://mestuff.substack.com/p/rockstar-global-influencers/comment/53604645

this is an important post for people who are unsure about the state of hero worshipping the alternatives. are they actively controlled opposition or are they complicit by their beliefs in so-called appropriate authority structures and the weakness of the human body to life?

(i explore this in my discussion of what i call 'the chomsky paradox' and 'the chomsky effect', where i discover that the anti-authoritarian hero was himself an authoritarian and supports authority structures. it turns out that his advocating for the penning of uninjected and forcing them to fend for themselves is in alignment with his core belief in an appropriate authority structure. for the curious: "Just This Is It. What Is This? Pt 2: Rings In Our Noses and Introducing ‘The Chomsky Affect’ and ‘The Chomsky Paradox’" https://gduperreault.substack.com/p/just-this-is-it-what-is-this-pt-2

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First, I have to say that Dr. McCullagh is now a whore that has become a virgin again. A pedophile priest who defrocked and now has been brought back into the fold in good standing and is now going to counsel children. WTF Here we have an example of what rewards the virus protectors get for their lies. Malone et al I am sure will be rewarded in due time for the same thing. Not only has this group been rewarded with money and fame as supposed health freedom fighters, but their crimes will also be deposited down the short memory hole. All of these people think they are above the cattle and among the elite globalist eugenics loving one world government cabal. This is the strategy that they have used for centuries because they know human nature and play on it. Why else would we believe in the weird science fiction that we reside in and thinking it is reality. RED PILL TIME! The human brain has been stunted into not questioning the lol experts.

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