"In 2015, the researcher, Satoshi Ōmura, and his research partner, William C Campbell, received the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for the discovery of the avermectins.

Ivermectin functions by interfering with channels that are used to relay signals in nerve and muscle cells. The drug binds to these channels, and as a result, the channel is left in an “open” position, which allows for an increased inhibitory effect. This leads to paralysis and the eventual death of the parasite or insect. It is important to note that while parasites and insects are more sensitive to ivermectin, the drug can act on the same receptors in mammalian cells."


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I am seriously starting to wonder about the Nobel Prize winners club!

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What’s to wonder? It’s obviously nothing more than advertising for whatever the phoenicians* want the rest of us to buy.

*You might find it interesting that there are genealogical links between the families of those who hand out the prizes and those who receive them.

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Aug 26Liked by Me Stuff

I have my doubts about it being' found' on a Japanese golf course. What led that scientist to look there, if so, anyway! Would Love to hear that story. Anyone?

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It sounds pretty made up to me honestly.

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Boys from Brazil definitely got my attention as well as Soylent Green. I had great history teachers as well. They taught that all of this was coming and even had begun at the time of their teaching in 1972.

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awful how contradicting stories are making rounds. Lots of people have used ivermectin, with good results. I read that in India, where it is used frequently as a parasite protection, very little people got sick with whatever covid was. Then fairly recently several doctors starting to warn that it was not as safe a product as advertised. The first one I read was GeoffPain, followed by Dr. Yeadon. It is a chemical medicine and probably just as safe as all the rest... or not. The story is coming out little by little, reading up on the atrocities of WW2 is horrendous. I could not watch all of the Scorpion film, it is just too horrible. How can people do that to each other? How can people abuse animals like they do? I don't mind killing the wasp that just stung me 3 times, but even that I try to avoid. At least it turned out that Lenin only had half a brain. I wonder if all these psychopaths have only half?

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If they have any brain! All of it is truly disheartening to say the least. The video was very disturbing and it probably only touched a little on what was really done.

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I think it's a 'family' thing to brainwash, psychologically and physically, sexually abuse their children from an early age to control the future 'controllers'. Which they place in positions of power.

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I intentionally smashed my thumb with a hammer and it cured the pain in my knees.

Cured it all with alcohol and dope.

After all,

"There's no hope without dope".

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Mmmmmk. Sending you total mom face side eye.

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The effects of having two halves of brain are still open for debate.

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" At least it turned out that Lenin only had half a brain. I wonder if all these psychopaths have only half?"

Did they cut Vlad open to find out?

That'd ruin your day.

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Half a brain but three testicles.

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Tickle Me Elmo

approves this message.

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I will forever be in debt to My granny. She impressed upon Me that natural options always were the better choice. She lived to 101. I wish My dad had listened to His mother and not let Them jab me in 1963 for protection from DDT...er..."polio."

Well done piece, and I think everyOne should read to grasp how ghastly the psychopaths in control really are. (Thanks, money systems, for promoting Them to the top!!!)

Why Does Money Promote Psychopaths? (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/why-does-money-promote-psychopaths

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

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That is one SMART Granny! Thank you for the links!

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She was very sharp, as was My dad (even if He failed on that one jab...). Most welcome!

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Political Ponerology is a book in detail.

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Indeed! A very good book!

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Aug 26Liked by Me Stuff

I have learned to trust virtually nothing outside of my personal relationships.

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Don't cha know, it's prizewinners dynamite!

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Sage, sasha's post on Quarantine issues may 'fill in the blanks'....

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Think like a scorpion folks...

The opening salvo of this.... Document.

Well, it reveals quite a bit if you know how to grok.-----------------_-----_------------------+


The macrocyclic lactones enjoy a position of prominence in the control of parasites, and their history may be of interest, and even of use, in an age in which the search for chemotherapeutic agents has been transformed by modern technology.

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^this is a distraction, this guy is a distraction agent!

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Scorpion Think: they consider us parasites

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Classic projection. Clearly they are the parasites and we are the host.

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Indeed!!! Thank you:) That Is their game! I see it all the time these days, just didn't put it together this time. Clarifies things. Much thanks to you!

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Human micro biome contains more cells than human. Targeting microbiome IS effective

What about targeting microbiome then feeding bugs to the new targeted microbiome?

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I hear that the chitin from insects exoskeleton is bad for us in the First Place!

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Sounds like a disaster

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People don´t know (but I do) that HUMAN POPULATION and HUMAN TECHNOLOGY are directly linked. In other words, if you go back to having 4 billion people instead of 8 billion, then we lose our smart phones. Under three billion and we lose television. Under 1 billion, there goes flush toilets. It ain´t rocket science!

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Evil is installed in power as the Prince of this world. It's worth thinking through how easy it is to be naive.

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He ain't the prince of this world. Just wanna be. There's a difference.

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John 14:30 has Peter saying "I will not say much more to you, for the prince of this world is coming. He has no hold over me" and John 18:36 ground my thought. Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not of this world; if My kingdom were of this world, My attendants would fight that I might not be betrayed to the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here." :).

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But he paid the Price, so it is "Now" His:) donchaknow.

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