The whole DDT thing... I was vaccinated against DDT...er..."polio" in 1963, and gained a lifelong affliction of psoriatic arthritis. I did a video about it:

Why I Am This Unspeakable Thing (5 min): https://odysee.com/@amaterasusolar:8/why-i-am-this-unspeakable-thing-5:8

It is so ghastly what these psychopaths in control are doing to Humanity, and if We do nothing - PERSONALLY - They will win. If enough of Us stand in aggregate against Them, We will win. I am doing My part:

The GentleOne’s Solution (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/the-gentleones-solution

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Excellent article.

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Thank you.

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Amazing journalism here. Thank you.

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Thank you.

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My wonderful neighbor contracted polio as a Young GI in the WWII pacific theater. He was in a wheelchair for most of his life thereafter. Probably from DDT they sprayed.

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