My husband and I are USMC vets.

Once when his unit was headed for the Phillippines the military decided to experiment on them because they weren't in the US. They always gave them hydroxychloroquine as a malaria preventative but not this one time. Instead they gave them Lariam. It was a disaster. Some Marines got malaria, some got sick.

Later we found that Lariam can cause brain issues, tinnitus, etc.

Mefloquine (Lariam®) - Public Health


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Thank you both for your service and for sharing that info!

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I was headed to India and prescribed Lariam soon after it came out. Docs were wildly excited about it...weekly rather than daily dosing, etc. Gut feeling and a high price tag made me dig into details. I had already pd for it and brought it home, but after finding that very week Lariam was being pulled from the shelves throughout Europe for the suicidal, psychotic breaks, etc., I called the Dr and pharmacist. No one would work with me. I printed out my findings and took them to the pharmacy. It was alarming to him and they took the medication back. Eventually they pulled Lariam world-wide...everywhere but the US...wow. We were hugely gaslighted and no amount of outrage stopped the military from forcing it as the ONLY med when there were older, safer alternatives...for years! Many committed suicide or had psychotic breaks after 1-2 doses. 10 yrs later, a little Christian mom was going on a missionary trip and was prescribed Lariam. Unbelievable!! I tried to educate her and her husband as they were in my Thai massage practice. "My Christian Dr. would NEVER give me anything harmful!" she insisted. On her 3rd dose....psychotic break, airlifted home....never recovered. A perfectly healthy mom/ teacher in her 30s incapacitated to this day. They are still hiding as much as they can.

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I hope you have written a substack with this info! Would love to share the information. This definitely needs to be heard. It breaks my heart. People just accept that all of this toxic garbage is safe. I am so glad you didn't take it!

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My husband was also given Anthrax vax. When he got it they weren't sure of how much to put in the syringe or how many doses they were going to give them. He was aboard ship. The sailors were smart, many refused to take it.

Anthrax documentary:


More about the Anthrax vax:





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Thank you for this! The Anthrax vaccine is horrid!

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It's interesting that the report states that lessons need to be learned from the Anthrax shot situation.

They learned nothing because they repeated with the covid shot on the military. The covid shot was worse because they "vaccinated" the majority of the military. Whereas use of the Anthrax vax on the military wasn't as widespread.

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My kiddo was active duty and had to get it a few years back. I would have insisted they not go in to the military had I know what I know now! None of these should be forced on anyone for any reason.

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So true! The body/gut always knows, right? It just takes the brain a bit to catch up. Haven't started posting as I'm in the midst of other writing...but you are quite right. Thank you... Till then, you are welcome to use the material if that works for you. I appreciate your work, as well!

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Thank you Debra!

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Wow! The drug wasn't FDA approved until May 1989!!

My husband and the other Marines were given Lariam in late 1987 or early 1988.

Mefloquine (Lariam®) - Public Health


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Oh! That is valuable as well! Thanks for sharing all of this!

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I think "Law & Order, Special Victims Unit" did a thinly disguised episode on Lariam....quite good.

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Hi Alice, I took Betty's suggestion and put this in a stack. In doing the research, an important lawsuit was just filed a few days ago! I wanted to give you the link, but most of all, I want to thank you for bringing this up and sharing your resources, too! (Just a thought from my personal experience with chemical poisoning... The thing that helped the most were weekly sessions in a far-infrared home sauna. They were originally used in doctors offices where they practiced Environmental Medicine, w/ patients who were exposed to various poisonous chemicals.. Low heat, you could put very sick patients in them safely. The far infrared penetrates deeper into the body and helps the organs dump the toxins. I used it for myself and my patients! https://www.temu.com/-portable-far---spa-w-heating-foot-pad-chair-g-601099589577129.html) ****

Here's the Lariam link: https://debra152.substack.com/p/lariam?r=96zvx&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

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Thank you!!

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Not long after Vietnam, Napalm McNamara got busy with Big Pharm to try and help with parasites.

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Incoming substack. It is just taking me forever because I keep finding stuff. Yes. Yes he did amongst many MANY other things.

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It is possible that there is no such thing as "malaria" but that symptoms of detoxing were called that to create another strawman to point to? It's pretty clear that money/power/control drives the medical/p-HARM-aceutical industry, not caring, compassion, empathy.

We might want to solve for that...

A Better Economic System (article): https://amaterasusolar.substack.com/p/a-better-economic-system

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Thank you.

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Great content. I was aware of some of this. It seems our chances of staying alive another five years are very slim.

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Speaking of MK Ultra.......

MK Ultra Survivor Cathy O'Briien and 10 additional speakers will be in Huntsville, Alabama on 8/24! Cathy O'Brien has an incredible story!! USE coupon code FREEDOM TO SAVE $25 OFF EACH TICKET!!

Come connect with like-minded people in Huntsville, Alabama on August 24th. Speakers include Mike Lindell, Jeff Childers, Catherine Austin Fitts, Colonel MacGregor, Mel K, Military Whistleblower LTC Theresa Long MD, etc...

Event details: https://www.focusonamerica.us/pup-patriots-unite-and-push

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Uganda is about to introduce the malaria vaccine and I wrote a post about it. https://invertedreality.substack.com/p/malaria-vaccine

More poison, more sickness, more fear -> more poison, more sickness, more death. What a world..

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And one thing I am finding with this is that the bankers from the World Group have had their hand ALL over this Germ Theory narrative and keeping the fear and vaccines alive. John McCloy and Robert McNamara from the World Bank were also involved in some really shady stuff back in the 40s-70s with chemical "experiments" through military and other operations too. Seems kinda strange. https://mestuff.substack.com/p/the-banking-cabal




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I did not know World Bank is involved in pushing this vaccine. That makes it even more suspect..

I was thinking; if people indeed got sick from 5G, it explains why Africa has had little to no sick people. It is 4G and sometimes good old 3G. So if they want to thin the herd equally, Africa has to get a different treatment hence the additional malaria vaccine/HIV vaccine. That last one is going to be so popular! Generally Ugandans hate condoms (male & female) which makes sense, but it means they mostly have sex without (which makes a lot less sense). This jab, this "easy solution", will become an instant hit, that is, until the (side) effects become known but of course, they can just say it is monkey pox or TB or any of the other labels they use for poisoning.

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I would also look into them spraying DDT in the area. People think that was stopped but it wasn't and can cause symptoms that can be confused with malarial symptoms, etc... To this day it is still being sprayed in India, parts of Africa, etc...

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My neighbour works for the local health clinic, I will ask him about it.

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Thank you. I will have to read for sure!

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Lets face facts.

Malaria was present way before manmade chemical agents were introduced. Ever been to Rhodesia (Zimbabwe) Victoria falls or along the Zambezi River? I have, heaps of mozzies present and much malaria and very little spraying other than peaceful sleep at night if you can afford it or mozzie nets.

In the places where it was found there was often decaying material like in swamps and methane is/was present and are optimal breeding grounds for mozzies. But mosquitoes are also found in hot dry areas too, where there is very little pooled water or swamps, so very little decaying material other than a few compost heaps.

Oh, about Tsetse flies....

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Chemical agents have been around since forever. And they have been trying to do this to people since forever. https://mestuff.substack.com/p/plagues-and-power

Also, I think that they have totally highjacked people's common sense and the science on this too. When I have been bitten by several skeeters when camping it itches like crazy and it makes me feel like crap. Why? being bitten by multiple mosquitoes can potentially cause a fever, without the presence of parasites or viruses (which parasites don't make you sick they are they clean up crew and viruses have never been isolated or shown to cause illness). This is typically due to a systemic allergic reaction to the mosquito saliva. When the immune system reacts strongly to the proteins in mosquito saliva, it can lead to widespread inflammation, which may cause symptoms like fever, headache, fatigue, and general malaise (symptoms of malaria).

The chemical released by mosquitoes that can make you feel sick is their saliva. When a mosquito bites, it injects saliva into your skin. This saliva contains a variety of proteins that prevent blood clotting and immune responses, allowing the mosquito to feed more easily. However, these proteins can trigger an immune response in your body, leading to itching, redness, and swelling at the bite site. In some cases, the proteins in the saliva can cause more severe allergic reactions, such as hives or anaphylaxis.

This condition is sometimes referred to as "skeeter syndrome," a severe local allergic reaction to mosquito bites that can include fever and other flu-like symptoms. While this type of reaction is more common in children or individuals with a heightened sensitivity to mosquito saliva, it can occur in anyone, especially if they are bitten by a large number of mosquitoes in a short period. I seriously don't buy any Germ Theory narrative one bit. If any of it were true all of us would have been dead a LONG time ago. When they present a constant invisible threat like that, though, makes it seem like they need to come and save us. No thanks. Use the skeeter nets. And there are natural skeeter deterents.

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“Malaria was present way before manmade chemical agents were introduced.”

Is this factual or just based on ‘his-story’ told by the ones who constantly revise history and lie to us about everything? I lean towards the latter.

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Allergic reaction to a natural (not manmade) toxin. Viruses which are (poisons) could not be identified and was blamed on phantoms. The reason for creation of virology was to enable manmade patentable legalised toxins (chemical compounds) to extract wealth for the 1%. The created phantoms are now digitally created using (PCR) and can now be only seen in computer generated imagery which is fooling the minds eye. Pseudo-science in its purest form.

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cleaning the tank reduces the germs that cause disease. in the days before germ theory obstetricians would stick their filthy hands into the woman's body setting her up for sepsis. terrain theory compliments germ theory. cleanliness reduces germs enough for the body's defenses not to be overwhelmed by germs.

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